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Surprising Benefits of Daily Journaling

Surprising Benefits of Daily Journaling

Do you feel overwhelmed as your brain is consumed by bubbling emotions, thoughts, and general daily life? If yes, journaling could be just the thing to help you create some headspace.

Journaling has powerful benefits and if you ever come across a meditation teacher in Philadelphia, he or she would explain you how journaling will help you improve your life. Daily journaling practice can support your mental health and offering you a whole host of emotional and physical benefits.

Here is what you need to know about daily journaling.

You may have heard of daily journaling, we still wonder, ‘what is journaling?’

Journaling is a process of putting down your thoughts and feelings through writing them on paper. You may not realize that it can be an important way to express yourself and process emotions that is difficult to internalize.

It is common to get bored to pen down the thoughts and people think that journaling is only for professional writers, but the belief and notion is far from the reality. Anyone can give it a go; it is a personal experience that doesn’t need to be perfect or required to be shared with others.

For coaches and therapists, journaling has been a go-to way to improve the mental wellbeing of their patients. A journal is different from a dairy where you only focus on recording experiences. You journal every day to express yourself irrespective of the date and length of experience, you simply keep on writing good or bad things about yourself, the way you feel, the way you want to improve further in life, and so on.

Journaling for the brain

A regular practice of journaling helps you release negative thoughts and replace them with better and positive ones. It is because adopting a journaling habit encourages the brain’s neurons to forge better connections. It is called rewiring of the brain, which helps us to create positive change in our lives. 

The more people journal and reinforce positivity, the more our brain start seeing things as normal. This in turn leads us to experience less stress, a more positive outlook, and feel more emotionally resilient.

Addressing Intrusive Thoughts

The process of journaling is a great way to dump your brain load on the paper. Many a time, we just need a way to put down out thoughts somewhere. When we do not have ears to listen to us, we have our pen and paper that helps us release the pent-up emotions. 

Pouring all the thoughts on paper will help you free up the valuable space in your brain and you can clear your headspace to add some more productive.

To know more about self-journaling from our meditation teacher in Philadelphia, reach out to us.

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