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The following are some of the most sophisticated toll roads in the world

Rajat sharma
The following are some of the most sophisticated toll roads in the world

The highway technology built by scientists has several advanced functions, such as solar panels and can charge electric vehicle batteries while driving on the highway.

The following are some of the most sophisticated toll roads in the world

1.     E-Highway

Electric Highway is a freeway that has a system like that of an electric train called the katanary system.One of the countries in Europe that is building it is Germany, where the E-Highway network is specifically for electric truck type vehicles.The E-Highway was built because 70% of trade in Europe is carried out by land using trucks and as much as 6% of carbon emissions in Europe are produced by trucks.

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This route in Germany is on the motorway between the city of Dump Start and Frankfurt and stretches for 3 km in both directions.With this E-Highway, Hybrid trucks with diesel electric engines will get electricity supply from the cable network above.The E-Highway in Germany is a project developed by the Siemens company which began implementation in 2019 and this project is still in the development stage.

Funding for this project comes from the Ministry of the Environment in Germany, the cost of which reaches 15 million Euros or around 217 billion rupiah.If it is deemed feasible, Germany will install this eyw cable network on 1000 km of toll roads.In order to be able to use the E-Highway, Hybrid trucks must first be equipped with a pantograph equipped with sensors .

On the E-Highway, there are several hundred support poles with direct current cables with a voltage of 670 Volts and will be turned off automatically if the cable is accidentally broken.When it is connected to another contact on it, it will automatically charge the battery on the Hybrid truck even when it is driving on the road. And if the truck brakes , the electrical energy will automatically return to the other contacts and when the truck overtakes another vehicle the pantograph will also automatically lower down.

2.     Solar panel ramp

Solar panel roads are roads that can produce electrical energy, like ordinary solar panels on the roof of a house. One country that has succeeded in building it is France in 2016 using photovoltaic technology .This solar panel road stretches for 1 km in the Normandy region of France.

To build the solar panel road, France spent 5.2 million US dollars or around 75 billion rupiah. To make a 1 km long road , a total of 2800 square meters is needed. The effectiveness of the road solar panels will be studied in producing electrical energy to light the roads near the solar panel road construction site.

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The solar panel road made by What the Way collage is coated with a special silicone material that is able to withstand the weight of trucks and other heavy vehicles. Installation doesn't take long after the road has been cleaned and coated with glue.  Then solar panels are installed on it, then cable installation is carried out and so on.

Apart from France, China is also building a solar panel toll road which was inaugurated in 2018. The solar panel toll road is 1 km long and is located near Jinan, the capital of Shandong province in China. This solar panel toll road is the first in the world and its construction requires 5875 M2 of solar panels.

This solar panel road is estimated to be able to produce 1 million kilo-watt hours of electricity every year. Where the electricity generated by this road can meet the electricity needs of 800 homes. This road consists of three layers, the top layer is made of transparent concrete which can withstand 10 times more pressure than ordinary concrete.

Then the middle layer is the place for the solar panels which convert sunlight into electricity. Meanwhile, the bottom layer is an insulating layer designed to protect against excessive heat or cold .The cost of building a solar panel road in China per square meter is around 6.2 million rupiah or 90 times more expensive than the cost of a traditional asphalt road. Meanwhile, in the future the solar panel road will be developed again. So it can be used to charge electric vehicles.


3.     E-Road Technology

Apart from the E-Highway, Sweden is also creating an E- Electric Road project which is used to charge various types of electric vehicles. This E-Road project was developed by a company called Elon Road in collaboration with Lund University since 2019 . Installed stretching for 1 km, this road uses a rail-like device installed on the road surface which is claimed to be able to charge electric vehicle batteries up to 80%.It is hoped that this will make operating electric vehicles cheaper and more practical.

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For the construction of this project, funds amounting to 3 billion dollars or the equivalent of 43 trillion rupiah were spent.This E-Road project has been tested since 2020 and if the E-Road project runs smoothly, Sweden will build an E-Road on roads in Sweden as far as 2000 KM. It is hoped that this will be able to change conventional transportation patterns to electric transportation in the future.

How it works when an electric vehicle passes on the E-Road , a device called a pick-up located at the bottom of the vehicle will lower down and then connect to the rail. After that, the E-Road rail will start charging the batteries in the electric vehicles and the electrical energy comes from power stations installed on the E-Road road every one and a half kilometers.

4.     South Korea Solar Panel Line

This solar panel in South Korea is located in the middle of a toll road that stretches for 32 KM between the Daejeon and Sejong areas. The solar panels on the toll road, built in 2014, aim to provide clean energy and are also used for cycling paths. This solar panel bicycle path is 3.8 meters wide with a height of 3 m from the road surface. The electrical energy produced from the solar panels is used to provide power for toll road lighting systems and also as a charging point for electric cars.

Interestingly, apart from functioning as an environmentally friendly energy source, solar panels also protect cyclists from exposure to sunlight .On the side it is also equipped with barriers to protect cyclists from car traffic on both sides.

5. Smart Road Electreon

In 2020, Electreon demonstrated a Smart Road pilot project in the city of Tel Aviv that can charge electric vehicles while driving on asphalt. This project is the first Smart Road in the world to use wireless technology. In this project, Electreon will focus on electric buses. Where this system is installed below the road surface. The Smart Road pilot project was built under a 2 km long bus route and the electric buses used use special batteries.

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Every 1 hour this Smart Road will be able to charge the bus battery up to 75 KW. How it works is a system of copper coils placed under the asphalt to transfer energy from the power grid to the road. Then the electrical energy is sent through a receiver installed under the electric vehicle.Using Smart Road can save time because the vehicle does not have to stop to charge electricity. This project is not only in Israel but is also being implemented in several countries such as Sweden and Italy.

6. Pa vegen Tile Technology

Pavegen is a tile that, when touched by footsteps, can produce electrical energy when someone walks on the tile. Then it will be converted into electrical energy which is stored in a lithium battery and the more people who walk on it, the more electrical energy will be produced. Every footstep that steps on these Pavegen tiles will produce 7 watts of electrical energy.

The cost of making this PVGEN project requires funds of 2.5 million US dollars or the equivalent of 36 billion rupiah.These funds come from donations from various parties. Pavegen tiles can last up to 5 years or 20 million footfalls and have currently been installed in 200 places throughout the world. ***


Rajat sharma
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