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Canned Tomatoes: A Versatile And Nutritious Kitchen Staple

Canned Tomatoes: A Versatile And Nutritious Kitchen Staple

While fresh tomatoes are delicious during tomato season, canned tomatoes provide an accessible option year-round. Canned tomatoes offer convenience and versatility in cooking. They retain most of their nutritional value and flavor despite processing. Canned tomatoes are a staple ingredient in many dishes from pasta sauces to stews. With canned tomatoes readily available on grocery shelves, home cooks have access to tomatoes any time.

Nutritional Benefits of Canned Tomatoes

Canned tomatoes are surprisingly nutritious. They provide an abundance of antioxidant compounds like lycopene which support heart and eye health. A single half cup of canned tomatoes contains about 30% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. They also contain B vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber. Much of the nutrition remains intact despite heat processing. In some cases, nutrients like lycopene are more readily absorbed by the body after tomatoes are cooked or canned. Canned tomatoes can easily be incorporated into meals and snacks to boost nutritional value.

Varieties of Canned Tomatoes

A wide assortment of canned tomato varieties give home cooks flexibility in the kitchen. Some of the most common varieties include:

Whole Peeled Tomatoes: These tomatoes are peeled and can be used whole or crushed. They work well for sauces, soups and stews where a chunkier texture is desirable.

Diced Tomatoes: Diced tomatoes are cubed and convenient for tossing into recipes like chili, tacos or omelets. They maintain a diced texture after cooking.

Crushed Tomatoes: Crushed tomatoes have a smoother texture after being crushed. They are a popular choice for making tomato sauce, soup or braising meats and vegetables.

Tomato Puree: Tomato puree has a thicker consistency than crushed tomatoes due to higher tomato solids. It adds bold tomato flavor to dishes and can thicken sauces.

Tomato Paste: Highly concentrated tomato paste is a convenient way to enhance savory tomato dishes with intense flavor. A small amount goes a long way.

With the variety of canned tomato products, home cooks can choose the texture and processing style that best suits their recipe needs. The options allow for customizing flavors in soups, stews and more.

Using Canned Tomatoes in Cooking

The everyday affordability and longevity of canned tomatoes makes them a practical ingredients for any cook's pantry. Here are some tasty ways to put canned tomatoes to use:

Pasta Sauces - A simple pasta sauce can be thrown together using crushed tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and seasonings. For extra depth of flavor, use tomato paste.

Chili - No chili is complete without the bright acidity and flavor tomatoes provide. Diced, crushed or pureed tomatoes work well.

Soups and Stews - Whether it's minestrone, chicken noodle or beef stew, canned tomatoes add brightness and body. Consider whole or diced for texture.

Tacos and Filling - Shredded chicken, beef or beans paired with canned diced or crushed tomatoes is an easy weeknight filling.

Risotto - Along with broth, canned tomatoes contribute incredible flavor to rich rice-based dishes like risotto.

Pizza Sauce - Pureed or crushed tomatoes simply seasoned create the perfect quick and easy pizza sauce.

The versatility of canned tomatoes know no bounds. With little effort, they take everyday dishes like the ideas above to new flavorful levels. Canned tomatoes are a true cooking essential.

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