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Assessing the Impact of Tin Can API on eLearning ROI

Sam Jones
Assessing the Impact of Tin Can API on eLearning ROI

Assessing the Impact of Tin Can API on eLearning ROI – Introduction

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, eLearning has become an integral part of corporate training and education. It allows organisations to deliver training and educational content efficiently, even to remote learners.

However, simply creating eLearning content is not enough. Measuring the effectiveness of these programs and their impact on the bottom line is essential for businesses. This is where the Tin Can API (also known as Experience API or xAPI) comes into play.

In this blog post, we will explore the significance of Tin Can API in assessing the impact of eLearning on Return on Investment (ROI).

1. Understanding Tin Can API

Before delving into its impact on eLearning ROI, let’s first understand what the Tin Can API is and how it differs from traditional Learning Management Systems (LMS).

Tin Can API is an eLearning specification that allows data to be collected and tracked across various learning experiences, both online and offline.

Unlike traditional SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), which is limited to tracking course completions and scores, Tin Can API captures a wide range of learning activities and interactions.

2. Key Features of Tin Can API

2.1 Versatility

Tin Can API can track various learning activities, such as reading a document, watching a video, attending a seminar, or even performing tasks in real-life scenarios. This versatility enables a more comprehensive understanding of the learner’s journey.

2.2 Offline Tracking

Unlike SCORM, Tin Can API allows for tracking offline learning experiences. This is particularly valuable for organisations that have employees or students working in remote areas or without consistent internet access.

2.3 Granular Data

Tin Can API records granular data, including who completed what activity, when, and how. It can track not only formal training but also informal learning experiences, providing a holistic view of the learner’s progress.

2.4 Interoperability

It is designed to work with various content formats, making it compatible with a wide range of eLearning tools and platforms.

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Sam Jones
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