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Seasonal Air Conditioner Maintenance: Preparing your AC for summer and winter

1st American Plumbing Heating & Air
Seasonal Air Conditioner Maintenance: Preparing your AC for summer and winter

Air conditioners work continuously all around the year. Be it hot summer months, dusty, windy days, or cold winter season, these appliances are exposed to all sorts of climatic conditions. It is, therefore, common for dust, debris, and other pollutants to get stuck in AC ducts, resulting in impacting their performance over time. Every electronic gadget or machine must be serviced timely to ensure efficient working conditions. Seasonal maintenance effectively addresses minor issues and prevents them from turning into a serious problem in the future. Regular inspections or service checks help in the early identification of any technical fault. Minor defects, if left unattended, may escalate into costly repairs in no time.



As the temperature changes, seasonal air conditioner services play a crucial role in accessing the best possible HVAC service. You can have improved performance, cut down on energy consumption, and extend the appliance lifespan with AC maintenance and repair every season. Well, it may seem difficult for a layman to comprehend the technical aspects of HVAC repair services; here are some potential insights for a better understanding and taking prompt action whenever required – 


Appreciate your air conditioner for working hard enough to keep your home cool in the summer. Follow these steps to prepare your AC for the coming season: 


  • AC’s efficiency is significantly reduced due to dust and dirt getting stuck in air filters. Consider replacing or cleaning air filters before every season. 
  • Gently remove dirt and debris stuck over time using a soft brush.
  • Reach out to a professional for a quick check of refrigerant levels. Make necessary repairs immediately.
  • Get in touch with HVAC service providers to rectify leaky ducts, minimize energy loss, and improve efficiency. 
  • Lubricating motors and other mechanical parts during seasonal maintenance helps reduce friction and before-time component damage.
  • Last but not least, test and calibrate AC thermostats for accurate temperature control.



Improved efficiency, enhanced comfort, longer equipment lifespan, and a reduced risk of faulty breakdown are the top benefits of a regular seasonal maintenance check. Proactive measure and immediate air conditioning repair are critical for comfortable heating and air service. 


Seasonal air conditioner maintenance or HVAC system management at large offers a range of professional assistance. Qualified technicians and trained professionals ensure the reliable working of air conditioners in every season. Having reliable HVAC Services in Midvale is crucial due to extreme temperature fluctuations. Contact 1st American Plumbing Heating and Air for the best in-town air conditioning services. Trust our experts and allow us to keep your home comfortable in every season.

1st American Plumbing Heating & Air
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