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Welcome to CPhI MEA 2019 : 16th -18th September 2019 - Visit Our Stand :Booth : B11, Hall 10 @ADNEC, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Hakkim Sha
Welcome to CPhI MEA 2019 : 16th -18th September 2019 - Visit Our Stand :Booth : B11, Hall 10 @ADNEC, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Emphor DLAS has been at the forefront of the development and application of Life and Analytical Science in a variety of industries throughout the Middle East since its inception. Emphor DLAS collaborates with some of the world's leading technology providers to provide cutting-edge products, services, and technological solutions that enable innovative detection, imaging, and informatics. Emphor DLAS assists customers in transforming data into informed decisions and faster insights. As a result, Emphor DLAS significantly improves the quality of life and significantly increases final social output.


Emphor DLAS develops improvement initiatives for operating divisions/units and their support functions to continuously improve customer satisfaction. The policy is communicated to all employees so that it is understood and followed throughout the organization. It is reviewed in conjunction with the business strategy to continuously improve customer service levels. Emphor DLAS is also dedicated to meeting customer, statutory, and regulatory requirements.

Emphor DLAS has been at the forefront of the development and application of Life and Analytical Science in a variety of industries throughout the Middle East since its inception. Emphor DLAS collaborates with some of the world's leading technology providers to provide cutting-edge products, services, and technological solutions that enable innovative detection, imaging, and informatics. Emphor DLAS assists customers in transforming data into informed decisions and faster insights. As a result, Emphor DLAS significantly improves the quality of life and significantly increases final social output.


Emphor DLAS develops improvement initiatives for operating divisions/units and their support functions to continuously improve customer satisfaction. The policy is communicated to all employees so that it is understood and followed throughout the organization. It is reviewed in conjunction with the business strategy to continuously improve customer service levels. Emphor DLAS is also dedicated to meeting customer, statutory, and regulatory requirements.

Emphor DLAS has been at the forefront of the development and application of Life and Analytical Science in a variety of industries throughout the Middle East since its inception. Emphor DLAS collaborates with some of the world's leading technology providers to provide cutting-edge products, services, and technological solutions that enable innovative detection, imaging, and informatics. Emphor DLAS assists customers in transforming data into informed decisions and faster insights. As a result, Emphor DLAS significantly improves the quality of life and significantly increases final social output.


Emphor DLAS develops improvement initiatives for operating divisions/units and their support functions to continuously improve customer satisfaction. The policy is communicated to all employees so that it is understood and followed throughout the organization. It is reviewed in conjunction with the business strategy to continuously improve customer service levels. Emphor DLAS is also dedicated to meeting customer, statutory, and regulatory requirements.

Analytical Partners

Material Testing








Hakkim Sha
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