Cellulite or skin dimpling is a common skin concern that affects people of all body types and lifestyles. And while it doesn’t pose any serious health threats and is entirely normal (affecting between 80 and 90% of women), it can make people self-conscious or be a source of stress and frustration for those who have it.
The common concerns regarding cellulite
Cellulite refers to the collection/accumulation of fat that pushes the connective tissues under your skin. It commonly appears on the thighs and buttocks, but can also be found on the lower abdomen, upper arms, and breasts. Some of the most common concerns about it include:
Embarrassment due to cellulite appearance – Cellulite’s dimpled or cottage cheese appearance is a cause of embarrassment for some. And when it’s more noticeable, some people may choose to hide it with clothing or even avoid certain activities like swimming or going to the beach.
Misconceptions about the cause of cellulite – The exact cause of cellulite is not exactly known, but it is said to develop when fat layers beneath the skin start to push through the layer of collagen fibers or connective tissue.
Although it is true that excess weight can contribute to cellulite appearance, skinny people can still have it. There are several factors that contribute to its appearance, such as:
- Aging – the skin loses elasticity with age, making you more vulnerable to sagging skin and cellulite.
- Genetics – you are likely to have cellulite if your mother or grandmother had it. Other factors that can be inherited include fat distribution, metabolism, and collagen fiber structure.
- Hormones – an imbalance in your hormone levels can cause you to retain fluid, gain excess weight, and develop skin dimpling. Cellulite is said to get worse with fluctuating estrogen levels.
- Unhealthy habits – poor habits such as eating too much processed foods, sitting for prolonged periods, yo-yo dieting (losing weight, regaining it, and losing weight again), and smoking can contribute to cellulite appearance or make it more noticeable.
Skepticism about cellulite treatments – there are lots of cream and cellulite treatments out there that claim to banish cellulite. While many of them fail to deliver on their promises, there are aesthetic treatments (discussed below) that can improve cellulite appearance and increase the skin’s firmness and elasticity
To Know More Visit us at: https://www.cutislaserclinics.com/blog/cellulite-reduction-demystifying-treatments-boosting-confidence/