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Mostly Asked Questions in the CAT Exam

Mostly Asked Questions in the CAT Exam

Preparing for the Common Admission Test (CAT) is a critical step for aspiring MBA students in India. To ace this highly competitive exam, it is essential to understand the types of questions that are frequently asked. This blog will delve into the commonly asked questions in the CAT exam and highlight a highly recommended resource for your preparation: Hitbullseye.

Understanding the CAT Exam Structure

The CAT exam is divided into three main sections:

  1. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
  2. Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)
  3. Quantitative Ability (QA)

Each of these sections has specific types of questions that appear regularly. Knowing these can help you focus your preparation and improve your chances of scoring well.

Commonly Asked Questions in CAT

1. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)

Reading Comprehension (RC):

  • Passage-Based Questions: These are based on short passages followed by questions that test your understanding, inference, and analytical skills.
  • Types of Questions: Main idea, tone of the passage, inference, specific details, and author's opinion.

Verbal Ability (VA):

  • Para Jumbles: Sentences of a paragraph are given in a jumbled order, and you need to arrange them in a coherent sequence.
  • Sentence Completion: Filling in the blanks in sentences to complete them meaningfully.
  • Critical Reasoning: Questions that test your ability to analyze arguments and identify logical fallacies.

2. Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)

Data Interpretation (DI):

  • Charts and Graphs: Questions based on bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, and tables.
  • Data Tables: Analyzing and interpreting data presented in tabular form.
  • Caselets: Short paragraphs with data embedded within, followed by related questions.

Logical Reasoning (LR):

  • Puzzles: Arranging people, objects, or events based on given conditions.
  • Syllogisms: Logical statements where you deduce conclusions from given premises.
  • Venn Diagrams: Questions that involve reasoning using Venn diagrams.
  • Seating Arrangements: Arranging people in a specific order or pattern based on clues.

3. Quantitative Ability (QA)


  • Percentage, Profit and Loss: Calculations involving percentages, profit margins, and losses.
  • Time and Work: Problems involving work done and time taken.
  • Ratio and Proportion: Questions on ratios, proportions, and mixtures.


  • Equations: Solving linear and quadratic equations.
  • Inequalities: Questions involving algebraic inequalities.
  • Progressions: Arithmetic and geometric progressions.

Geometry and Mensuration

  • Triangles and Circles: Properties and theorems related to triangles and circles.
  • Volume and Surface Area: Questions involving 3D shapes like cylinders, cones, and spheres.

Number Systems:

  • Divisibility Rules: Questions based on properties of numbers and divisibility.
  • Prime Numbers: Identifying prime numbers and their properties.

Recommended Resource for CAT Preparation

For a comprehensive and effective preparation strategy, we highly recommend Hitbullseye. Here's why:

  1. Extensive Question Bank: Hitbullseye offers a wide range of cat previous year question papers, including previous year CAT papers, which cover all the commonly asked questions.
  2. Detailed Solutions: Each question comes with a detailed solution, helping you understand the methodology and approach.
  3. Free Access: Access to these valuable resources is free, making it accessible for everyone.
  4. Mock Tests and Practice Papers: Besides question papers, Hitbullseye provides numerous mock tests and practice papers to simulate the actual exam environment.
  5. Expert Guidance: The platform offers tips and strategies from experts to help you tackle difficult questions and manage your time effectively.


Understanding the types of questions commonly asked in the CAT exam can significantly boost your preparation and performance. Focusing on these areas and practicing diligently with reliable resources is crucial. Hitbullseye is a highly recommended platform that provides a comprehensive collection of CAT question papers and solutions, making it an invaluable tool for your CAT preparation.

Equip yourself with the right resources and strategies, and you'll be well on your way to achieving success in the CAT exam. Happy studying and good luck!

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