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Base Number Tester

Scarlett Labexpo
Base Number Tester

Labexpo Base Number Tester: An Essential Tool for Testing Petroleum Products


In the petrochemical industry, the accurate measurement of the base number in petroleum products is crucial for ensuring product quality and compliance with industry standards. The Base Number Tester, composed of an automatic potential titrator and a titration device, is designed to meet these rigorous requirements. This sophisticated tool adheres to industry standards and follows ASTM D2896 and ASTM D4739 test methods for determining the base number of petroleum products. In this article, we will explore the components, functionality, and significance of the Base Number Tester in the petrochemical industry.

Understanding the Base Number

The base number of a petroleum product is a measure of its alkaline additives, which help neutralize acids formed during combustion and use. This property is essential for the longevity and performance of lubricants and fuels. A precise base number analysis ensures that the product can effectively prevent corrosion and wear in engines and machinery.

Components of the Base Number Tester

1. Automatic Potential Titrator

The automatic potential titrator is a critical component of the Base Number Tester. It performs titration by automatically adding a titrant to the petroleum sample and measuring the potential difference (voltage) between two electrodes. The titrator is designed to:

Automate Titration: Minimizes human error and ensures consistent results.

Monitor Potential Changes: Precisely detects the endpoint of the titration.

Data Recording: Automatically logs data for analysis and reporting.

2. Titration Device

The titration device works in conjunction with the potential titrator to facilitate the titration process. It includes:

Sample Holder: Secures the petroleum sample for testing.

Titrant Dispenser: Accurately delivers the titrant to the sample.

Electrodes: Detect potential changes and signal the titrator to stop the titration at the appropriate endpoint.

Industry Standards: ASTM D2896 and ASTM D4739

The Base Number Tester is designed to comply with ASTM D2896 and ASTM D4739 test methods, which are the standard protocols for determining the base number of petroleum products.

ASTM D2896

This method measures the base number by titrating the petroleum sample with perchloric acid in a glacial acetic acid medium. The endpoint is detected potentiometrically, ensuring high precision and accuracy. ASTM D2896 is suitable for new and used oils, including those with a high base number.

ASTM D4739

ASTM D4739 is a modified method for determining the base number in used oils, where the titration is performed with hydrochloric acid in a mixed solvent. This method is particularly useful for monitoring the depletion of alkaline additives in service oils.

Benefits of Using a Base Number Tester

Accuracy and Precision: Automated titration ensures consistent and reliable results.

Compliance: Adheres to industry standards, ensuring product quality and regulatory compliance.

Efficiency: Speeds up the testing process with automation, saving time and labor.

Data Management: Automated data logging facilitates easy analysis and reporting.

Practical Applications

The Base Number Tester is widely used in:

Quality Control: Ensures the quality and performance of lubricants and fuels.

R&D: Supports the development of new petroleum products with optimal base numbers.

Maintenance: Monitors the condition of used oils to predict and prevent machinery failures.


The Base Number Tester, with its automatic potential titrator and titration device, is an indispensable tool in the petrochemical industry. By adhering to ASTM D2896 and ASTM D4739 test methods, it provides accurate and reliable measurements of the base number in petroleum products. This ensures product quality, regulatory compliance, and efficient operation of engines and machinery. For anyone involved in the petrochemical industry, understanding and utilizing a Base Number Tester is essential for maintaining high standards and optimal performance.

Scarlett Labexpo
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