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Ice and Snow, Take It Slow: The Golden Rule of Winter Driving Safety

Rightway Drivers
Ice and Snow, Take It Slow: The Golden Rule of Winter Driving Safety

Winter driving in Mississauga can be a daunting experience, especially for new drivers preparing for their test. The frosty roads, reduced visibility, and unpredictable weather make it crucial to adhere to the golden rule of winter driving: "Ice and Snow, Take It Slow." This mantra is not just a safety tip but a necessary practice for ensuring your safety and the safety of others on the road. At "Rightway Driving School," we emphasize this principle in our driving lessons, ensuring our students are well-prepared for any road condition they might face during their driver's test in Mississauga.

Understanding winter driving challenges

Winter driving brings challenges like ice formation, reduced traction due to snow, and the hazard of nearly invisible black ice.

It's essential to adjust your driving style significantly in winter weather. Slowing down is the most effective way to maintain control of your vehicle. Rightway Driving School teaches students how to recognize and respond to hazards, preparing them for safe driving in all conditions.

Preparing Your Vehicle for driver's test in Mississauga:

Before hitting the road:

  1. Ensure your vehicle is winter-ready.
  2. Maintain proper tire inflation and tread depth.
  3. Consider using winter tires, which provide better traction in snow and ice.

Keeping an emergency kit in your car is also a good idea. This should include a blanket, food and water, a flashlight, and a first aid kit. "Rightway Driving School" instructors highlight the importance of vehicle preparedness during our lessons, ensuring students have the knowledge to drive safely in winter.

Driving Techniques for Winter Conditions

2. Increase Following Distance: It takes longer to stop in winter conditions. Increase the distance between your car and the vehicle ahead to at least 8-10 seconds.

3. Gentle Movements: Sudden movements can cause your vehicle to skid. Accelerate, brake, and steer gently to maintain control.

4. Brake Properly: If you have anti-lock brakes (ABS), apply firm pressure. For non-ABS brakes, pump the brakes gently to avoid locking your wheels.

Booking Your Road Test

When you feel confident in your winter driving skills, book road test with "Rightway Driving School." We provide a complete package, including a practice test and an assessment of your driving abilities.By booking your road test with us, you ensure the best preparation possible, tailored to the specific challenges of driving in Mississauga.


Winter driving doesn’t have to be intimidating. By following the "Ice and Snow, Take It Slow" principle and preparing yourself and your vehicle, you can safely navigate the winter roads. “Rightway Driving School” is here to help you every step of the way, from learning the basics to passing your driver's test in Mississauga. Remember, caution and preparation are your best tools for winter driving. Drive safely and enjoy the winter season!

Visit our website for more tips on winter driving and to book your road test. Stay safe and drive smart!

Rightway Drivers
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