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Korean Air Group Travel - A Comprehensive Guide

Korean Air Group Travel - A Comprehensive Guide

Book group flights for you & your travel companions. Want to have the best flight experience with your friends, family or office colleagues? Korean Air should be your go-to choice for an airline that delivers one of the best group booking services. 

Please continue reading to learn in detail about Korean Air Group Flights, what are its various perks, how to make the booking, & other info. 

Perks of Choosing Korean Air Group Flights

Here are some of the advantages that you are going to experience when you fly on Korean Air. In fact, many travellers are of the opinion that Korean Air’s service is vastly better than other US airlines & has more benefits:

  • You will receive dedicated group support when you choose Korean Air. This ensures your entire group booking process happens smoothly from the start to the very end! 
  • When making a group booking, you will have the option to avail yourself of discounted prices on your quotation. This is also because the airline regularly brings out exciting group deals that will allow you to save even more on your group reservation. 
  • Korean Air is among the most trusted airlines, having high ratings in terms of safety protocols & management. This is so that you have the best possible experience on the flight without any worry or concern. 
  • If you talk about the food options & quality, it is also unmatched. You have a range of quality food options to choose from to enjoy your flight so that you can complete the flight enjoyably. 

How to Book Korean Air Group Travel

On the official website, it is stated that you can contact a travel agency directly to make a group booking. However, if you would like to do that online, you will have to go to a partner agency website (i.e., Korea Air Kalmate). This is because, from the main website, you can book the utmost 9 passengers & not more. If you are making a reservation via a travel agency, the steps involved are as follows:

  1. Dial a Korean Air travel representative or travel expert. 
  2. State your request for a group reservation. 
  3. Share your arrival, journey dates, departure, and passenger count, along with other info and your contact info. 
  4. If you have any specific requests, you should share them as well. 
  5. Next, you will be provided with the best quotation as per your deals & discounts. 
  6. If you are okay with sharing the quotation, go ahead and make the payment. 
  7. Once the payment is made, you will receive confirmed tickets by mail. 

All the important information regarding how to make group bookings is now at your disposal. A fantastic group flight experience with your travel buddies awaits you now on Korean Air! 

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