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What to Know About Infrared Workout Technology

Hugh Grant
What to Know About Infrared Workout Technology

People crave efficiency in their day to day lives. We want efficient, energy saving appliances and to be efficient at work so the hours we're clocked in go smoothly. We download apps and purchase planners to efficiently keep track of tasks, and we often bundle chores together and multitask as a means of using our time more efficiently.

Yet when it comes to working out, most people are still stuck on the idea that the most efficient way to exercise is with long hours at the gym, maybe turning on the television so you can catch up on a series you've been meaning to watch while working out. While there's certainly nothing wrong with that, most people are also unaware of the benefits of Infrared workout technology, a new and innovative way to exercise.

1. What is Infrared Workout Technology?

If you know what a sauna is and what exercise is, then you're already on the correct path to understanding what infrared workout technology is! An infrared workout essentially involves creating a sauna-like environment in which you can exercise.

Put simply, infrared workout technology utilizes infrared heat absorption, like what you would find inside of a sauna, to boost workouts. The extra heat increases workout intensity, resulting in more calories burned as it elevates your heart rate and warms up your muscles faster than a traditional workout routine would.

While this may sound odd at first, this method of working out has many benefits. As mentioned prior, the high temperatures allow you to rapidly increase your heart rate and intensify workouts, increasing the load on your muscles. This elevates even brief workouts and light to moderately intense exercises to the same level as a HIIT, or high impact intensity workout, in a matter of minutes.

The benefits even continue post workout: the heat used in an infrared workout helps soothe and relax muscles to ease muscle aches and speed up recovery.

2. What Should You Know About Infrared Workout Technology?

Infrared workouts are easy to get into at any fitness level, but the high temperatures can lead to rapid dehydration. The same as with traditional workouts, it's important to drink plenty of fluids during and after each infrared workout.

The technology itself is now available in many public gyms, but also available for purchase for your home gym.

Infrared workouts are also unique in that they're highly customizable. They don't require commitment to a specific routine in order to attain the benefits associated with elevated intensity workouts so long as you're using the infrared technology while exercising.

3. What are Other Ways that Technology in the Fitness Industry is Advancing?

Advancements in fitness technology are not just limited to one thing or category. Wearable fitness trackers, AI-powered fitness trainers, and advanced fitness equipment with built-in touch screens, sensors, and calorie trackers have all been gaining in popularity lately.

Coincidentally, all of these advancements in technology would also partner perfectly with an infrared workout routine!

Hugh Grant
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