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Keywords Research – Revealing the Secrets Your Customers Are Searching For

SEO Resellers Canada

Imagine your website is brimming with valuable info, but no one finds it! It is easy to go through and has attractive visuals, too. But still, it does not show up in the search engine. At this moment, the realization of how your investment has been wasted would hit hard. That is when keyword research comes into the picture. It is the key that will help you understand the secret language your customers use online.

Let us explore how SEO research will help you attract more customers to your website.

Why Keyword Research Matters in Marketing

Customers usually search for solutions online on a constant basis. Keyword research can help you the best in that -

1 - Know Your Audience 

You should discover the exact words and phrases they use to find products or services like yours.

2 - Content Powerhouse 

Try finding relevant keywords to guide your content strategy. This will ensure your website content addresses their specific needs and problems.

3 - Rank Higher on Search 

Your ranking in search results can improve by strategically using relevant keywords. It will also make it easier for potential customers to find you.

Keyword Research - What to Focus On

SEO research generates data. But it focuses on the following key elements -

1- Search Volume – 

This shows how often a particular keyword is searched for each month. You should consider the competition level even though the high volume is good.

2 - Difficulty in Keyword 

This will estimate how hard it will be to rank for a particular keyword. It will help you find a balance between search volume and difficulty, as it is the key.

3 - Long-Tail Keywords 

These are more specific phrases with lower search volume. But it has potentially higher conversion rates. This is because they indicate a more defined search intent.


Keyword research is not a one-time project. It is an ongoing process. You can ensure your website remains a treasure trove by consistently analysing your target audience's search behaviour. This way, your potential customers will be able to easily discover your online website.

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