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Fashion Ecommerce Industry: The Rise of Global Fashion Ecommerce Market Globally

Ben Stiller

 State of global Fashion Ecommerce Industry


The global online fashion retail market has grown significantly over the past decade. According to research, the market was valued at over $500 billion in 2019 and is projected to grow to nearly $700 billion by 2023. Several factors have contributed to this growth including increasing internet and smartphone penetration globally, expansion of cross-border shopping, and rise of social media and influencer marketing.


Key players that dominate global Fashion Ecommerce include platforms like Amazon, Alibaba, Zalando, Farfetch and Boohoo. Among these, Amazon accounts for the largest share of the market with its expansive product selection and two-day delivery capabilities in many countries. Alibaba's Tmall and Taobao also boast massive fashion offerings and are most popular in China and other Asian markets. European-focused retailers like Zalando and ASOS also enjoy strong growth in their home regions through curated fashion assortments and easy returns.


The growth in online marketplaces and fashion-exclusive platforms has placed pressure on traditional retailers to bolster their own online presences. Brands are now investing heavily in omnichannel capabilities, mobile optimization, and enhancing the convenience of online shopping to capture more business from digital-native consumers. Livestream selling and social selling models are also gathering steam globally as innovative new ways to engage online audiences.


Cross-Border Shopping Provides Opportunities And Challenges


One of the fastest growing areas of global fashion ecommerce is cross-border shopping where consumers purchase products from overseas retailers and brands. Easy returns, expansive selections, and availability of hard-to-find niche brands have fueled interest in shopping worldwide. Top destinations for cross-border fashion shopping include China, the US, UK and Germany.


However, cross-border shopping also presents challenges related to shipping costs, delivery times, duties and consumer protections that vary globally. Currencies and payment methods are not always compatible across borders either. To mitigate such issues, platforms have introduced features to help shoppers understand total costs upfront, track international shipments, obtain insurance, calculate duties automatically and provide multilingual customer support.


Going forward, improving cross-border logistics infrastructure, streamlining duties and simplifying payments will be critical to sustain growth in global cross-shopping. Initiatives by Chinese platforms like Alibaba to consolidate multiple shipments and create unified customs declaration processes have already shown promise. Harmonizing consumer rights across markets will help build trust in cross-border shopping as well.


Mobile becomes Fashion Ecommerce Industry


Mobile is now the dominant device for online shopping around the world. In developed markets of North America and Western Europe, over 70% of ecommerce visits occur on smartphones and tablets. The mobile shift is happening even faster in emerging economies of Asia Pacific and Latin America where higher mobile penetration rates have leapfrogged desktop usage for online transactions.


In response, global fashion retailers are optimizing their sites and apps for mobile-first design. This includes streamlining navigation, improving product images for smaller screens, ensuring one-click checkouts and offering in-app features for social sharing. The rise of mobile wallets and "buy button" integration on social platforms like Instagram is also enabling more frictionless purchases.


Live video commerce models pioneered in China are gaining currency elsewhere too. Shoppable live streams hosted by influencers on platforms like Snapchat, YouTube and Facebook provide an engaging experience of virtual trying on and social motivation to buy. Immersive AR and VR technologies also promise to enhance online shopping through interactive 3D product views and simulated fitting rooms of the future.


Sustainability And Local Production Gain Focus


Sustainability has become an important priority for today's socially conscious fashion consumers. As awareness grows around issues like overconsumption, waste and carbon footprints of global logistics, shoppers are increasingly preferring slow, localized and eco-friendly brands. Online marketplaces are responding by promoting niche sustainable labels, offering green shipping options and integrating ratings for brands' ethical practices.


Some ecommerce giants are even taking production localization into their own hands. For example, Zalando has partnered with European manufacturers to produce private label basics like t-shirts and jeans close to key markets, thereby slashing lead times and logistics impacts. Other retailers have launched resale and rental platforms to extend the lifespan of garments already in use.


Consumers also closely follow companies' stances on social issues like diversity, fair wages and influence of "fast fashion" on the environment. Those who clearly communicate responsible values through their websites and marketing are attracting ethically-driven shoppers globally. Sustainability will remain a watchpoint as fashion ecommerce continues to grow at the global level.


In conclusion, the global online fashion retail industry is witnessing rapid transformation driven by technology innovation, changing consumer behaviors and focus on sustainability. While international fashion platforms and cross-border shopping provide new opportunities, overcoming logistical challenges remains crucial. Transition to mobile-first strategies is likewise an imperative. Localized production models also hold promise to make supply chains greener. With emerging formats like live commerce and immersive tech augmenting the shopping experience, global fashion ecommerce is well-poised for continued gains in the future.



Get more insights on this topic: https://www.ukwebwire.com/fashion-ecommerce-industry-global-fashion-ecommerce-boom-during-and-post-covid-19/

About Author:

Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)

Ben Stiller
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