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How Recruitment Agencies work in Turkey?

Eliya Vetr
How Recruitment Agencies work in Turkey?

Recruitment agencies, also known as employment agencies or staffing firms, are organizations that match job vacancies with job seekers. Their primary function is to assist employers in finding suitable candidates for their open positions and to help job seekers find employment opportunities that match their skills and preferences. Here’s how they typically work:

  1. Client Engagement: Employers (clients) approach recruitment agencies with their job vacancies. They provide detailed job descriptions, required qualifications, and any specific preferences.
  2. Candidate Sourcing: Recruitment agencies actively search for suitable candidates through various channels. This includes their own databases of job seekers, advertising the job vacancy on job boards, networking, and using social media platforms.
  3. Screening and Shortlisting: Once potential candidates are identified, the agency conducts initial screenings. This may involve reviewing resumes, conducting interviews (either in-person or via video), and assessing candidates’ skills and qualifications.
  4. Matching Candidates to Jobs: Based on the client’s requirements and the candidate’s profile, the agency selects the most suitable candidates and presents their resumes to the client for consideration.
  5. Coordinating Interviews: The agency arranges interviews between the client and the candidates. They may provide guidance to candidates on interview preparation and share feedback with them after interviews.
  6. Offer Negotiation and Placement: If the client decides to hire a candidate, the agency assists in negotiating salary and benefits. Once an offer is accepted, the agency facilitates the hiring process and ensures a smooth transition for both the candidate and the client.
  7. Post-Placement Follow-Up: Some agencies provide additional support after the placement, ensuring that both the client and the candidate are satisfied. This may involve addressing any concerns during the probationary period or offering career advice.

For an example of such a proactive approach can be seen with ISG Turkiye, a leading recruitment agency in Turkey. Known for its commitment to client and candidate success, ISG Turkiye maintains ongoing communication post-placement to ensure optimal outcomes and long-term professional partnerships.

Eliya Vetr
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