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Difference Between T20 and Test Cricket Formats

Raghav Chadha
Difference Between T20 and Test Cricket Formats

The vast difference between T20 and Test cricket matches is like the difference between night and day. The test cricket format holds the credit of cricket's birth in the whole world. However, the T20s is the newest cricket format which attracts a lot of audiences. 

The major difference between the T20 and Test cricket formats is the amount of duration. The Test matches can consist of more than a hundred overs. However, the T20 matches have an exact limit of only twenty overs. The different durations of these matches help them identify each other.

How do Test Matches and T20s Differ from Each Other?

There are a lot of aspects of Sky exch that are the reason for the difference between Test and T20 matches. Another difference is that the Test formats are old in comparison to the newer T20 formats. However, there are other factors which lead to these differences, which are as follows:

  • Duration:

The length of both formats depends on the number of overs they have. T20s have only twenty overs while the Test matches have more than a hundred overs. Thus, a T20 match finishes in just a single day, while test matches can span for two or three days, or longer time.

  • Results:

In a test match, there can be only four types of results, like win, lose, draw and tie. However, in T20 matches, there is only winning or losing. In test matches, a draw is when the players can't finish the match in the set time limit. 

  • Innings:

Test matches provide at least two innings to both teams, which can make it lengthy. However, both teams recieve only one inning each, to bat and ball in the T20 matches. Thus, test matches have almost twice the number of innings in comparison to the T20 matches. 

  • Style and Requirements:

Test matches have longer durations than T20 matches. Thus, players should maintain their proper fitness to efficiently play test matches. Hence, players can boost their stamina and endurance in test matches. However, the T20 matches don’t need more stamina and endurance. 

How Does the Difference between the T20 and Test Matches Impact Cricket?

The main difference between the T20 and Test matches is that they both attract different audiences. The popularity of a particular cricket format depends on the number of audience watching it. Thus, some factors on which the differences between the T20 and Test matches impacts are as follows:

  • Fanbase:

Test matches have longer lengths because they continue for two or three days. However, the T20 matches are shorter in length and finish in just one single day. Thus, the grand appeal of the T20 matches in the current era attracts more fans in comparison to test matches. 

  • Economy:

T20 matches enjoy a rising popularity than the test matches, as fans love to watch the T20 matches more. Thus, T20 matches generate larger revenue from the tickets in the stadium. Moreover, T20 matches generate higher viewing numbers on television than test matches. 

  • Player Selection:

Test matches can easily select a player for their country’s cricket team in comparison to T20 matches. Test matches are longer, so they can test a player’s stamina and durability. T20 matches cannot test these qualities of a player because of their shorter length. 

  • Rise of Many Domestic Tournaments:

The Test format is unique because they don’t introduce any new tournaments. However, the T20 format introduces many tournaments like the T20 World Cup, IPL, and more. Thus, the T20 format has a strong potential to introduce more number of exciting tournaments than the Test format.


Overall, there are many differences between the T20 and Test cricket formats. Both formats have their advantages and disadvantages. The test format is the standard which forms the basis of cricket. However, the T20 format which is currently the most popular and appealing among die-hard cricket fans. Moreover, many digital broadcasting and streaming platforms only prefer T20 matches. However, the test matches are the ultimate gold standard for selecting players to officially play for the Indian cricket team internationally.

Raghav Chadha
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