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Benefits Of Upgrading To Ethernet Cable

Jennifer Truong
Benefits Of Upgrading To Ethernet Cable

Wired network connections are supported by Ethernet cables, as they provide reliable and quick data transfer between devices. In other words, Ethernet cables are the backbone of various network connections. However, these cables come in different varieties. 

This includes Cat5, Cat5e, Cat7 and Cat6 Cables, which are the ones people frequently use. In today's digital era, strong internet connectivity has become a lifeline. Wondering if you should switch to an Ethernet cable? Doubting if it will be worth it? The answer is simply yes, thanks to the major benefits it brings to the table. 

Benefits of Switching to an Ethernet Cable 

Upgrading to ethernet cables is the best decision to make, as it comes with a wide range of benefits. This includes:

High Speed

The primary benefit of ethernet cable is high speed. Upgrading to this cable allows you to send data at amazing speeds of up to 100 Gbps. Does your business transfer large amounts of data? 

You don't have to wait for days as the ethernet will finish the work in a few hours. Moreover, with a reliable and strong ethernet connection, you can benefit from fast 10G+ internet on all of your devices. 

High-Quality Transfer Data 

Another benefit of upgrading to an ethernet cable is that it allows high-quality transfer. In addition to boosting transmission speeds, it also ensures data transfer without any disruption. 

For instance, you don't have to worry about noise, fear of file compression, or reducing image pixels. Thanks to ethernet cable, it is very resilient to noise. To enjoy higher-quality data transfer, you can opt for ethernet protocols like PAM3. 

Versatility & Flexibility

Talking about the benefits of ethernet cable, it is versatile. This means these cables are available in different lengths, bandwidths, types and versions. It also offers flexibility, meaning it can perform well in high-traffic areas. 

It allows reliable and steady data transfer in situations where several devices are accessing the network at once, such as bustling areas or crowded offices. These cables have the potential to prevent various risks, such as signal collisions. 

Data Security

Being the most reliable network, another benefit you get by upgrading to ethernet cable is data security. Compared to wireless connections, it offers higher data security. Ethernet displays the device or user accessing the data via the network. 

Using this cable, you can quickly identify the device and prevent access if an unauthorized person attempts to compromise data security. This, as a result, allows you to shield your private information from DDoS assaults and other online crimes.  

Power Efficiency

Another benefit of ethernet cable is that it helps you save on your electrical bills. Compared to Wi-Fi and other connections, these cables use less energy. Looking for the most power-efficient cables available on the market?

This includes fibre optics, Cat6 Cables, Cat6a Cables, and Cat7. Besides, if you want to make sure that your business has optimized power efficiency, opt for the Ethernet protocol. For instance, physical layer equipment such as a modem will be powered down for optimal power efficiency when a link is idle. 


Ethernet connections can be wired, meaning that full wire setup is necessary during installations. Therefore, another benefit of upgrading to this cable is that it is cost-effective. 

It not only saves you money on equipment but also gives you the best return on investment. Do you know a 10 Gigabit Ethernet supports a device network up to 6.1 miles? Therefore, installing an ethernet setup offers better value than multiple Wi-Fi routers. 

Easy Installation & Maintenance

Another benefit of upgrading to ethernet cable is that it is easy to install and maintain. All you need is an ethernet cable and a set of devices and you'll be done in minutes. However, to install it in your business, you may need technical assistance. 

Talking about maintenance, ethernet cables don't require much effort. All you need to do is follow some safety precautions such as avoiding over-bending, over-stretching, tangling and more. 


With advancements in technology, the ethernet cable is worth the investment. Another benefit if offered is future-proofing. Be it real-time applications or online gaming, it offers a responsive and hassle-free experience. 

It ensures that your network is prepared for the demands of tomorrow’s internet-connected devices and applications. In other words, upgrading to ethernet cable means enjoying reliable internet connectivity. 

Enjoy Reliable & speedy Data Connections

We at SFCable are the leading suppliers to meet your connectivity needs. We offer premium quality Ethernet cables and you can explore our range of various cables. Each of our products goes through rigorous tests to ensure you enjoy a seamless and reliable connection in any setting. 

Moreover, you can also rely on our team of trained technicians for any advice or guidance. In addition to top-notch customer support, we also offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. 

Jennifer Truong
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