The breakdown of a marriage is a significant and complex change that affects many realms of existence especially when there are children involved. It should be noted that the decisions and agreements that you are going to make while a divorce will affect both your and your children’s future. Hence it will be important to have a competent and experienced best divorce lawyer in Wheaton. A competent lawyer will be able to work together with you through this intricate process with the primary aim of ensuring that the best results are produced for your benefit and that of your family.
Parenting Time
In Illinois, any action that is taken on divorce involves keen consideration of the parents and the duties to the children. Both times to be with the children and responsibilities for the children are a base on which decisions in your children’s lives will be made.
These include:
Education: The question then arises who will decide on your child's schooling
Religious Upbringing: Which religious practices will your child get to witness or may he/she
be a part of
Extracurricular Activities: Who will identify which activities that your child should engage in or they will have to spend time on
Healthcare: With whom will your child be dealing directly when it comes to his or her health
These decisions may be agreed, done separately to each other, or allocated entirely to one of the parents – with provision of a mechanism for resolution of disputes by this parent.
Visitation, on the other hand, refers to the parenting plan in regards to access and how the time with the children is shared. This means that you can choose a 50/50 arrangement or that one parent will be considered the main caretaker. In order to support your children properly and make sure that they are kept in a steady environment, it is necessary to manage all these aspects, and the best divorce attorney in Wheaton will help you here.
Child Support Considerations
Child support is another important issue considered during divorce with one of the parties having the duty to take care of the children. The purpose of the guidelines is to achieve equity regarding the costs of raising your children between two parents. Therefore, while the amount of time each parent spends with the children may dictate the amount of child support, then the factor that is most important is the income of the parents. In most cases, the parent with greater income is the one who has to pay child support which guarantees your kids are provided even if they live with the other parent.
An experienced family lawyer in Wheaton will assist you to understand the rules of support for the minor children and assist you to come up with a formula that exploits the financial capacity of each parent to cater for the child’s needs without overburdening them.
Division of Marital Property
Allegations relating to the division of marital properties is a key factor that dominates divorce. Marital property includes all properties that have been procured during the marriage period; be it the procuration of the husband, the procuration of the wife, or procuration of both. In any divorce case, these assets must be shared in accordance to certain provisions depending on its features. Whatever belongings were owned prior to getting married, or kept in separate names during marriage, stay with their respective owners; the distribution of the property that was accumulated during marriage may take a lot of work and legal advice to sort out.
An experienced divorce lawyer in Wheaton works for the client to get the fairest division of your property to help keep him or her financially stable after the divorce.
Understanding Alimony
In Illinois spousal support is referred to as alimony. It is financial assistance given to a spouse who has no capacity to meet the basic necessities of life after the dissolution of the marriage. This may be granted if the other spouse is capable of paying for support in any form or another. It is to improve the financial situation of the recipient which would assist him to become more financially aware.
The best divorce attorney in Wheaton will strive to consider the possibility of alimony in your case and ensure the best possible outcome that meets your financial needs and provides economic security in the future.
Why You Need the Best Divorce Attorney Wheaton
To handle a divorce case is rather daunting but having a powerful and empathetic lawyer on the opposite side will be helpful. Our Law Firm in Wheaton is one that can meet all your requirements of a divorce lawyer. Wins in divorce cases Other factors that make Goodman Law Firm stand out is that it has the interest of the client at heart when handling a case, and it thrives to ensure that its clients get the best results in regards to parental and financial issues.
What you need and what your case requires is the effort of a highly skilled legal practitioner who has the knowledge of the divorce laws and the passion and willingness to work for the best outcome on your behalf. Please do not wait to contact Goodman Law Firm when seeking help and advice in this difficult period.