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EL AL Group Booking | Flights & Tickets

EL AL Group Booking | Flights & Tickets

Traveling to any place with a bunch of familiars could be a fascinating experience. However, arranging convenience for all of them is considered to be challenging, but not with air transport. Moreover, the air transport that offers group travel services includes EL AL. If you are able to maintain a group of 10 or more people, then you can use this service for a journey. With the help of this, the trip could become more planned and share distinct benefits. Thus, various factors are included for securing the EL AL Group Flight, and they have been explained under titles.

What is EL AL Group flight policy?

A booking for a group could be made according to the terms and conditions established by EL AL. Thus, these are the outlines for regulating those provisions and their policies have been explained at the bottom points:

  • A size of 10 or more passengers flying from the same destinations in the same flight can use a group travel service.
  • A child above 2 years and a senior citizen over 60 years old could be charged according to the agreed fare. However, if there is an infant under 2 years old, the cost could be 20% of the agreed fares. 
  • The traveler has to submit the deposit amount, and this is based on the routes, such as $150 for the route that takes greater than 6 hours and $100 for all the destinations that are less than six hours. 
  • If a deposit for the group has been paid, then it cannot be refunded. 
  • All the passengers flying in a group should carry the proper documents with them, and if there are any kinds of issues, then the booking could be canceled. 
  • A name can be changed for free of cost before 72 hours of flight departure, and if you get to change within 72 hours, then it could cost extra charges. 

How do I get a group flight on El Al Airlines?

A group which has received their entitlement according to the policies could be able to process the booking procedure. Moreover, the reservation can be made by requesting quotations from the airlines. Furthermore, the ways to share a concern with the EL AL Group Desk are as such:

  1. Get to the authenticated site of El Al 
  2. From the homepage, click on the group travel options 
  3. Then, select the request with a quotation icon.
  4. Share the information needed in the form and submit it.
  5. Then, accept the quotations acquired by the airline and pay the cost either entirely or partly. 
  6. Submit the names of passengers and receive the ticket in the shared email. 

Hence, flying with the group flight on the El Al could be more efficacious by accompanying the information that has been stated here. With the help of this, you can get an idea about the EL AL Group Rates, along with the different other factors, and if there are any doubts, then connect with the customer service team.

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