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How to Take Care of Your Arteriovenous Fistula (AVF) Before, During, and After Dialysis

Info DrSumit
How to Take Care of Your Arteriovenous Fistula (AVF) Before, During, and After Dialysis

An arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is a critical access point for patients undergoing dialysis. It connects an artery and a vein to allow easy access to your blood for dialysis. Caring for your AV fistula surgery for dialysis is essential to prevent complications and ensure effective treatments. This article will guide you through the steps to maintain your AV fistula before, during, and after dialysis.

Before Dialysis

Proper care for your fistula operation for dialysis begins even before you arrive at the dialysis centre. The health of your AV fistula significantly impacts how well your dialysis treatments go. Here’s how you can take care of it:

How Can Patients Take Care of AV Fistula Without Nurse’s Help?

Taking care of your AV fistula on your own is possible with simple, regular habits:

Steps to Evaluate AV Fistula

It’s important to routinely evaluate your AV fistula surgery for any signs of problems. Here are some AV fistula procedure steps you can follow:

Dos of AV Fistula Care

Don’ts of AV Fistula Care

During Dialysis

During dialysis, maintaining the health of your AV fistula is essential for a smooth and effective treatment.

After Dialysis

Once dialysis is complete, post-treatment care is crucial for maintaining your fistula’s long-term health. Here’s what to do:

Other Tips for AV Fistula Care


Caring for your AV fistula surgery for dialysis requires attention and consistency. By following these simple steps, you can keep your fistula healthy and functional before, during, and after dialysis. This allows for smoother treatments and reduces the risk of complications. Always consult with your vascular specialist for any concerns or changes in your fistula. Regular evaluation and professional guidance from a vascular surgeon can help maintain your fistula’s effectiveness and longevity.

Taking an active role in your own care helps ensure that your AV fistula surgery is successful and contributes to better overall health and well-being.

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Info DrSumit
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