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Why Stainless Steel Flanges Are Ideal for Food and Beverage Processing

Neelam Forge
Why Stainless Steel Flanges Are Ideal for Food and Beverage Processing

Most especially in the food and beverage industry, it is important to observe high levels of hygiene, safety and durability in the containers used. Stainless Steel Flanges have turned out to be the most suitable type of flanges used in piping systems in this sector because of their unique characteristics and advantages.

Hygienic Properties

These flanges are made of stainless steel, and more to the point, they possess a smooth surface finish that cannot harbor bacteria and are relatively easy to clean. This is not a bad idea because hygiene is very crucial in the food and beverages processing industry. The use of stainless steel is excellent because the metal does not absorb the smell, taste or texture of the products being processed.

Corrosion Resistance

Processing environments are directly exposed to moisture, cleaning agents and acidic or alkaline solutions among other things. Carbon steel flanges and even other low grade flanges like the stainless 200 and 300 series are suited for use in some of the most corrosive environments. This leads to the increase of piping system life and decrease of chances of contamination.

Durability and Strength

Stainless Steel Flanges are extremely robust with resistance to high pressures and temperatures also. This makes them suitable for a variety of processings, such as moving hot liquids, used in food processes as well, carbonated products, etc. Thereby their resilience enhances duration so that fewer breakdowns occur.

Easy Maintenance and Replacement

Flanges made of stainless steel are easy to maintain as are easily detached and replaced when necessary. This flexibility avoids system breakdown and the fact that systems maintain functionality make them operate as intended.

Compliance with Standards

SS Flange Manufacturer in India still comply with specific food safety requirements and industrial requirements, therefore proving to be very popular amongst food processing factories and breweries.


Hence, the stainless steel flanges are hygienically constructed and very durable and cost efficient to promote the hygienic handling of foods and production of enhanced beverage. Purchasing high quality SS flanges helps operate the equipments safely and efficiently in processing plants.

Website: https://neelamforgeindia.com

Product source: Stainless Steel Flanges Manufacturer in India

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