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Become an expert in LED light training

The Body Sculpting Institute
Become an expert in LED light training

LED (Light Emitting Diode) is a skin therapy that uses safe ultraviolet rays at a low level to heal sagging skin, wrinkled or acne, and other skin issues. The procedure is non-invasive and gives exceptional results. From dermatology to skin care, LED light therapy is emerged as a versatile therapy. It is the go-to solution for those seeking slimmers and a more defined silhouette.


The LED light stimulates cellular repair, rejuvenates skin, and releases toxins from the cells. LED involves the application of different colours of light at specific wavelengths to treat various skin and body issues: -


Red light: Red light penetrates the skin at 6300 to 660nm. The light is packed with anti-aging benefits that make it effective in improving skin texture and even tone.

Blue light: Blue light penetrates the skin at 405-420nm. It is used for its anti-bacterial properties. The light helps reduce the sebaceous gland that produces acne. It is best suited for oily skin.


Green light: - Green light penetrates the skin at 520-530nm. The light reduces pigmentation, dark spots, and dark circles and gives you glowy skin.


Yellow light: Yellow light penetrates the skin at 570-590nm. It is mostly used post-treatment. The treatment gives effective results in reducing redness and swelling and boosting overall production.


Infrared light- This light goes deep into your skin to 800-1200 nm. The treatment helps in muscle recovery and reduces inflammation.


If you are willing to learn this transformative technique, learn from the experts of The Body Sculpting Institute.We cover the core knowledge behind the treatment through our practical training. We divide the content into different modules. Every module has several mini-modules. Our courses are suitable for both freshers and people already working in the beauty industry.

What all you will learnin theled light training course: -

The treatment session can take up to 30-45 minutes. After 3-5 sessions, visible results can be seen on the client's body. Once the course is completed, you will receive a certification that is valid for working in any area. We assure you that in the next three months, you will become the go-to professional in LED light therapy.


Visit our website today and check out the other body contouring courses, such as radio frequency courses, ultrasonic cavitation courses, cryolipolysis, vacuum RF therapy certification, and other courses offered by our experts.


Get some useful information on led light training course. Visit https://bodysculptingcourses.com/product/led-light-therapy-certification/ to know more about led light therapy certification online.

The Body Sculpting Institute
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