pozzolanic mineral addition based on densified silica fume.
For high-quality mortar, grout, and concrete with a thixotropic, plastic, fluid, or super-fluid consistency, Mapeplast SF is a mineral addition with pozzolanic activity that can be used in conjunction with plasticizers or superplasticizers.
PACKAGING: There are 650 kilogram and 25 kg packages of Mapeplast SF available.
STORAGE: Keep Mapeplast SF in its original packing for a period of 24 months in a dry location.
The main application areas for Mapeplast SF are:
· high-quality thixotropic mortar that is resistant under the most severe environmental conditions (for new structures and the restoration of deteriorated structures)
· special concrete and grout to be applied with a pump
· sprayed mortar and shotcrete
Pour Mapeplast SF into the cement mixer together with the other ingredients of the concrete (cement, aggregate, and water).
· In the laboratory tests, in order to achieve the best performance, it is recommended to put Mapeplast SF on the coarse aggregate before the other components for helping to break down the agglomeration.
· In concrete mixes with Mapeplast SF it is recommended to extend mixing time for best homogenization
· In the production of semi-dry concrete it is recommended to prepare, before mixing, a slurry with Mapeplast SF and water
Reminder: for waterproof concrete, the water/cement ratio should be no higher than 0.55
Mapeplast SF is a grey-coloured powder composed of amorphous silica in the form of spherical sub-micron sized granules. Silica fume particles are extremely small with more than 95% of the particles being less than 1 micron. Particle size is important both for physical and chemical contribution in concrete. The physical effect is given by the filling of voids between cement particles.
The chemical effect is given by the pozzolanic reaction that increases the mechanical strength. As a result, the cement matrix is denser and more compact. By using a combination of Mapeplast SF and superplasticizers of the Mapefluid or Dynamon product range, the concrete is more cohesive and without segregation at fresh state and more durable at hardened state.