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What Happens During An In-Clinic Abortion?

Ishita Gupta
What Happens During An In-Clinic Abortion?

You will meet with your nurse, doctor, or health centre counsellor before your abortion to discuss your alternatives for abortion as well as if abortion is the correct choice for you. Along with blood testing and a physical, you could have an ultrasound to determine your exact degree of pregnancy.

Your doctor at Abortion clinic in Vesu or nurse will inform you if further preparation for your abortion calls for anything else. They will provide you with written instructions on how to take any medicine they offer and how to care for yourself after your abortion. Should you have questions or concerns, you will also obtain a number to contact 24/7.

Under What Circumstances May Abortions Be Successful?

You will given painkillers to aid with cramps before the abortion. Some persons may get medication that either totally puts them to sleep or helps them to relax. Your doctor or nurse will go over your possibilities with you. Antibiotics will also aid to ward off infection.

Before the surgery, a nurse or doctor might have to open your cervix. They might treat you with medication or insert small rods, known as dilators, into the cervix opening one day or a few hours before your operation.

There will be a staff member in the process room all through. Their role is to assist the doctor or nurse during your abortion and support you.  

A doctor or nurse performing an abortion will:

Check your uterus.

Peek inside your vagina using a speculum.

Offer you a numbing injection close to or at your cervix.

Remove pregnancy tissue from your uterus using a tiny, hand-held tool.


Check to see whether your uterus is empty, or remove any tissue remaining inside using a tiny surgical instrument known as a curette. You will stay around in an Abortion clinic in Vesu until you feel better and are ready to go after your abortion is finished.

Ishita Gupta
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