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How To Get A Mortgage Loan Broker License In California – An Overview

Earl Whitlatch

Aspiring mortgage loan brokers in California who have already started their careers in this sector as a mortgage loan officer, it is a step up in this field. They can expect high commissions and a perfect work-life balance as they are their own boss and can fix their work schedules to their liking. However, to achieve this goal, they must first get a mortgage loan broker license in California.

Click here to learn more about getting a mortgage loan broker license in California.

There are three types of broker licenses issued in California. One is the finance broker license and the other is the residential mortgage lender license, both of which are awarded by the California Department of Business Oversight (DBO). The third will be the subject of this post and that is the real estate broker license issued by the California Bureau of Real Estate.

Let us now go through the steps of obtaining a mortgage loan broker license in California.

You have to apply for a finance broker or lender license on the National Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) website. NMLS is the controlling body for the mortgage lending sector in the state and issues related licenses to mortgage loan officers and brokers.

To be eligible for a mortgage broker license in CA you must have a license issued by the California Department of Real Estate (DRE). You must also have two years of experience in this field in the last five years. When you apply for a on the DRE portal for a mortgage loan broker license in California on the DRE portal, proof of having met this experience criteria must be uploaded with the application.

Steps to become a mortgage loan broker in California

Start with going through the pre-licensing coursework as mandated by NMLS. The course consists of two parts – the 20-hour general course that covers the functioning of the mortgage sector in the USA and the 2-hour course with topics about the rules and regulations valid in California only.

You can choose either an online course or a classroom-based one. Online courses though are more flexible with studying options from anywhere and at any time. Among the leading online course providers in California is RealEstateU.

Submit your fingerprints to the appropriate authority for verification of any past criminal records. Mortgage brokers are expected to maintain high moral standards and an adverse certificate can disqualify you from getting a mortgage loan broker license in California.

On the portal of NMLS, schedule the mortgage broker licensing exam and on the appointed day, appear for the test and pass it by securing a minimum 75% grade. The exam fee is $75.

Apply online for a mortgage loan broker license in California by paying a fee of $300. You will now be issued an active mortgage broker license in the state to launch a very lucrative and rewarding career.

Earl Whitlatch
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