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4 Effective Tips to Prevent Dust Damage To A Fridge

Larry Anderson
4 Effective Tips to Prevent Dust Damage To A Fridge

You’ve just moved into a new home, and your fridge is the centrepiece of your sparkling kitchen. But a few months later, you notice it’s not cooling as efficiently as before. Upon closer inspection, you find layers of dust clogging the coils and vents.

Dust may seem harmless, but when it accumulates in your fridge, it can lead to serious damage and higher energy bills. Here are 4 simple yet effective tips shared by professionals in fridge repairs to keep your unit dust-free & running smoothly.

1. Clean the Coils Regularly

The condenser coils at the back or underneath your fridge are a magnet for dust. When they’re clogged, the fridge has to work harder, leading to wear and tear. Use a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush to gently remove the dust every 3 to 6 months. This small effort can significantly extend your fridge’s lifespan and improve its efficiency.

2. Wipe Down the Exterior Regularly

Dust doesn’t just settle on the coils; it also accumulates on the exterior surfaces. Regularly wipe down the fridge with a damp cloth to prevent dust from building up. Pay special attention to the door seals and handles, as dust in these areas can affect the fridge’s ability to seal properly. If you can’t do it on your own, then hire specialists in fridge repairs in Auburn.

3. Keep the Surrounding Area Clean

Dust in your kitchen can easily find its way into your fridge. To minimise this, clean the floors and countertops regularly. Avoid storing items like flour or powdered detergents near the fridge, as these can contribute to dust buildup. A clean kitchen environment will help reduce the amount of dust entering your appliance.

4. Ensure Proper Ventilation

Your fridge needs adequate airflow to function efficiently. Make sure there’s enough space between the fridge and the wall, as well as on the sides. This prevents dust from getting trapped and allows the appliance to cool properly.

By following these easy steps from experts in fridge repairs, you can protect your fridge from dust damage and keep it running at its best. A little maintenance goes a long way in ensuring your kitchen stays fresh and your fridge stays functional.

Larry Anderson
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