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How To Develop The Fitness Application?

Max Smith
How To Develop The Fitness Application?

Honestly, it is a pretty hard and not a very professional move - to give the quote right after hearing the “fitness app” word combination.

There are a few classes applications for sport like Google Fit and 7 Minute Workout could be categorized into though: there can either be nutrition apps, fitness trackers, workout apps or sport-oriented social networks; however, the question still is - how to develop a fitness application like FitBit?

Read full article: How to Make a Fitness Application

What features would you need to have in a simple activity-tracking mobile app?

  • login/sign up screen + social networks integration
  • User profile/Body values (e. g. gender, age, height/weight, activity level)
  • External device connection
  • Various signals (vibrations) for different push-notifications

How much does it cost to make a fitness app?

Of course, the cost of fitness app development may depend on the amount of time and features you would like your product to have. We will take a MVP-verion as an example of an activity tracker.

Max Smith
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