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Marketing Strategy

Thomas Miller
Marketing Strategy

Life for marketers used to be simpler.  We had just a few TV channels, some radio stations, a handful of top magazines and a newspaper or two in each market.  Reaching consumers was easy, if you were able craft a compelling message, you could move product.

Ugh!  Now we’ve got a whole slew of TV channels, millions of web sites and hundreds of thousands of “Apps” along with an alphabet soup of DMP’s, API’s and SDK’s. Marketing was never easy, but technology has made it a whole lot tougher.

Clarify Business Objectives

There’s so much going on in the marketing arena today, everybody is struggling to keep up.   At the same time, every marketing professional feels pressure to be “progressive” and actively integrate emerging media into their marketing program.

 However, the mark of a good marketing strategy is not how many gadgets and neologisms are crammed into it, but how effectively it achieves worthy goals. Therefore, how you define your intent will have a profound impact on whether you succeed or fail.

Use Innovation Teams to Identify, Evaluate and Activate Emerging Opportunities

Marketing executives are busy people.  They need to actively monitor the marketplace, identify business opportunities, collaborate with product people and run promotional campaigns.  It is unreasonable to expect them to keep up with the vast array of emerging technology and tactics, especially since most of it won't pan out anyway.Therefore, it is essential to have a team dedicated to identifying emerging opportunities, meeting with start-ups and running test-and-learn programs to evaluate their true potential.  Of course, most of these will fail, but the few winners will more than make up for the losers.

Decouple Strategy and Innovation

Unfortunately, in many organizations, strategy and innovation are often grouped together because they are both perceived as things that “smart people” do.  Consequently, when firms approach innovation, they tend to put their best people on it, those who have shown a knack for getting results.

That's why, all too often, innovation teams are populated by senior executives.  Because innovation is considered crucial to the future of the enterprise (and also due to the institutional clout of the senior executives) they also tend to have ample resources at their disposal.  They are set up to succeed.  Failure, all too often, isn’t an option.

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Thomas Miller
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