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How to Troubleshoot Windows 10 Blue Screen Error

Sam Vik
How to Troubleshoot Windows 10 Blue Screen Error

It's really annoying when you face an error "Your PC ran in to a problem and needs to restart" and it even appear worse when it repeats continously after restarting the system. we can Troubleshoot  Windows 10 Blue Screen error by restoring the system to previous version and uninstalling updates.

To Restore System Go to Choose option screen and click on Troubleshoot. Move to Advance Options and click on system restore. This will set the system to its last working point.

Uninstall Updates

Start PC in safe mode. Go to settings>.Update and security and move to Windows update. Now select uninstall updates. The recently installed updates will be removed. Now restart your system. It will work normally.

 Here are some of the other methods to Fix Blue Screen Error in Windows 10

Sam Vik
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