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Facebook Grants Your Wish To Be The 'Knight King' With Its New Game Of Thrones Camera Filter

Ariana Johnson
Facebook Grants Your Wish To Be The 'Knight King' With Its New Game Of Thrones Camera Filter

The winter still might be coming but the new GOT filter by Facebook is here.

From Daenerys controlling the Dragons to John Snow coming back from dead, everything that airs on GOT becomes a global sensation.

The series got so much of attention that since June Harvard University started offers a folklore and mythological course labeled “The Real Game of Thrones: From Modern Myths to Medieval Models”.

The social media platform now lets you become the dragon killer without the filthy side effects of being emotionless and freezing in breathtaking snow.

To become the knight king, you just need to open the Facebook app, go to the camera option and select the available Knight king filter to roam around the frozen land as undefeated king.

Whereas few users are claiming that they are unable to find out the new filter in that case GOT’s media team suggested to update your Facebook app.

Ariana Johnson
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