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How To Open MBOX File in MS Outlook 2016?

Jamie Kaler
How To Open MBOX File in MS Outlook 2016?

MBOX files are the common files highly used for saving messages, emails as well as other associated data on hard drive. The messages stored in MBOX files are stored in text file or sometimes in individual files. MBOX files are initially used on UNIX. MBOX and PST are two different file formats. They both are mailboxes but distinct from each other. Many emailing applications are supportive of MBOX file format and the prominent one are Entourage, Mac Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird, Eudora, Spicebird, Berkeley, MailCopa, and many more. All these email clients use MBOX for storing emailing data. Many a times, users feel the need for migrating MBOX files into Outlook and for such a need, the query that appears is How to open MBOX file in MS Outlook 2016?

Scenarios where MBOX to PST Needed?

Apple Mail provides users with immense of the features which makes it wonderful to work with. It is thus turn up to be the most used emailing application used in large number of emailing applications including all the Mac users. It is possible that you find several reasons for converting MBOX files into Windows Outlook PST files and some of them are as follows:

  • Suppose you use Apple Mail client which comes with Mac Operating System X 10.0 or some later edition, and plans to move to some other emailing application like MS Outlook. Here you need to move Apple Mail MBOX files into other file format such as PST because of changed emailing environ.
  • Suppose you are migrating from Mac OS environment into Windows OS platform then your organization feel the need for migrating .mbox files into .pst file format.
  • There may be an instance when you received some of the emails in MBOX file format from a client but you work on Windows Outlook environment. Now the best option is to convert .mbox files into PST for easy data accessibility.

How to open MBOX file in MS Outlook 2016?

It is not very difficult to convert MBOX files to PST files because many third-party applications are available fulfilling the need. You can try using MBOX to PST Converter as this application is really effective to use. It can help you convert multiple MBOX files into PST format. The folder structure of MBOX file will remain intact while saving MBOX to PST. The tool is easy and simple to use for a non-technical users.

The tool is effective to convert multiple MBOX files at a time and allows you to create single PST file for each MBOX file. There is no file size limitation with the MBOX file that you can convert. After conversion, you can import PST file within MS Outlook 2016 or any other belowany version; to view MBOX file data. Make sure for choosing free demo version before purchasing the application in full working mode. The easy functions won’t cause any blunder at all thus make a purchase of this application and seek desired results ahead. 

Jamie Kaler
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