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EDB to PST Converter

Robert Schumann
EDB to PST Converter

New EDB to PST Converter ( http://www.filesrecoverytool.com/edb-to-pst-converter.html ) repairs corrupt or damaged Exchange EDB files and restores the mailboxes into Outlook PST file. You can easily view Mailbox data from the PST files using MS Outlook application. It helps you to recover mails, images, attachments, drafts, calendar, journals, appointments, tasks, notes, etc. from the damaged EDB files. to outlook pst file format. Software will facilities to recuperates or renovate corrupt and damaged edb files into the pst outlook files. It also repair .edb extention file database which is corrupted due to improper server shutdown, power issues, JET errors, drive errors, corrupt header errors, server down issues, and server crash incidents etc. EDB to PST Software will restore EDB file to PST, EML, MSG, HTML and EMLX format. Its ease of use will enables you to preview recovered mail items.In addition to saving the recovered data as PST file, it also allows you to save the recovered data in EML, MSG, MHT, HTML, TXT and RTF formats.It facilitates you to map mailboxes from your EDB file to the respective Office 365 mailbox.

EDB to PST Converter is designed to convert EDB files of MS Exchange into existing or new PST files and to transform several mailboxes from selected files at once. Key Features:-

  • Instantly Convert EDB to PST File
  • Repair corrupt or inaccessible Exchange Server Data or EDB file
  •  Conversion of Single or Multiple EDB files into PSTs with just one click.
  • Conversion of EDB files of all sizes to existing or newly created PST files
  • Efficient exporting to all mailbox items into PST.

    Software Support:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0/ 5.5/ 2000/ 2003/ 2007/ 2010/ 2013 and 2016
  • Microsoft Outlook 97/ 98/ 2000/ 2002/ 2003/ 2007/ 2010, 2013 and 2016

Free Trial Version Available. Download Now!

Download the Free trial version of EDB to PST Converter software, in free trial version you are allow to export 25 items per exchange server mailbox to outlook pst file. This way you can understand the software capability and features


Robert Schumann
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