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Treat My Gums – The Myths behind the Wisdom Teeth Exton PA

Sam Khoury
Treat My Gums – The Myths behind the Wisdom Teeth Exton PA

The wealthiest man is he who lives a fit and healthy lifestyle. Proper health could be obtained only by giving proper attention to all parts of the body and taking necessary steps for their effective functioning. Giving proper attention means practicing proper diet and healthy habits by all means. Dental care is one major domain where many people fail to pay interest. Following regular good and proper dental habits enables one to avoid unnecessary dental problems related to cavities and gum diseases.

The additional third set of molars that one develops is his or her late teens or early twenties are called as wisdom teeth. Usually, these wisdom teeth grow in two pairs with four in numbers. When we say this term “wisdom teeth”, many people misunderstood that they need to be extracted or removed. On the contrary, it is not very mandatory to remove wisdom teeth for everyone. Some people may find their wisdom teeth properly aligned with their existing set of teeth. They serve as an excellent aid in grinding food particles.

When one develops misaligned wisdom teeth growth, it becomes necessarily important to extract it after consulting with a well experienced oral surgeon.

Why do you actually need to extract Wisdom Teeth West Chester PA?

The development of this wisdom tooth is inherently seen to find the place so far at the back of our mouth. This positional growth of wisdom teeth paves easy way for it to get gripped or trapped in the gums. This trapping of a tooth in the gum may cause serious potential pain to the individual. The angle of growth of this wisdom teeth also plays a key factor in deciding whether they need to be removed or not. When they are found to be growing at a wrong angle it is an alarming indication to have it removed at the initial stages itself because this wrong angle could make the new growing teeth to press against the existing ones. As stated earlier as this set of teeth grows at a much-developed age, our mouth and jaws are fully grown and developed already which provides no room for another extra set of molar arrangement. Since this set of teeth is found to be placed at the very back end of our mouth, it makes it difficult for us to reach out to them with toothbrushes as like other teeth. This automatically creates chances for various gum diseases.

Dr Sam Khoury and his team of expert periodontal and oral surgeons provide systematic and reliable treatment for wisdom tooth extraction. The surgeons initially do the oral examination and come up with effective surgical with prescribed anesthesia.

To know more about Wisdom Teeth Kennett Square PA, or to fix an appointment with the oral surgeon, visit https://www.drsamkhoury.com/

Sam Khoury
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