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CDN in Web and App Development: How Can You Use CDN in E-commerce?

Derick Lineker
CDN in Web and App Development: How Can You Use CDN in E-commerce?

According to statistics, 40-60% of users leave the site if it is being loaded for longer than 3 seconds, and 60-80% of them never return. Moreover, the delay in downloading a web resource in just 1 second leads to a decrease in traffic by 25-30%.

The same applies to mobile applications. We’re guessing, it's time to think about CDN in web and app development, that is, about using CDN in e-commerce projects for your profit.

In this article, we will tell you how to use CDN for business purposes and what this technology means and includes. The topic is complex and fascinating at the same time, and we hope our tips will help you figure it out.

Derick Lineker
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