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New Office 365 Features for your Intranet

Harvey Specter
New Office 365 Features for your Intranet

Your SharePoint intranet solution in Office 365 is an associated working environment. Just imagine your whole company moving through data lifecycles. The main purpose of an intranet is to keep the people informed, engaged and push their limits.In here, we are going to discuss the new features that are coming to your intranet- across hub site, communication sites, team sites, news, pages, web parts etc.

When you include a tab in Teams, you can tab between available lists, pages and news things to rapidly bring them into your central repository or hub for collaboration

Updates in Group Connected SharePoint Team sites

When working in a closed environment, you will require the digital workplaces and tools to share, access data and stay efficient.

As you develop, your intranet grows as an immersive, business-critical resource for the enterprise.

Harvey Specter
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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