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7 iOS App Development Trends to Watch-out in 2018

Emily woods
7 iOS App Development Trends to Watch-out in 2018

2017 has been an incredible year for iOS. Apple launched two new iPhone devices – iPhone 8 (Plus) and iPhone X – in the market.

Additionally, this global giant provided major updates on iOS 11.

Apple has also improved their technical support for customers and has been quite active throughout 2017.

With new trends booming and influencing the whole iOS community, developers too are tuning them for their progressing and upcoming iOS app developmentprojects. 

Here is a set of trends we can expect in iOS application development in 2018. 

  • Augmented Reality 

When iOS 11 was launched with substantial features, the most talked-about feature was their support to Augmented Reality applications.

Amazon declared the Sumerian app platform which is compatible with Apple's ARKit system which permits iOS application developer to create augmented reality, virtual reality and 3D applications for iPad and iPhone devices. 

Emily woods
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