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2018-2022 Global Surfactant Market Strategic Analysis and Future Growth

evelyn miller
2018-2022 Global Surfactant Market Strategic Analysis and Future Growth

Scope of the Report:

The report titled “Global Surfactant Market: Size, Trends and Forecasts (2018-2022)”, provides an in depth analysis of the global surfactant market by value, by applications, by end-users, by region, etc. The report provides a regional analysis of the surfactant market, including the following regions: Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), North America, Western Europe, MEA, Japan and ROW.

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The report also assesses the key opportunities in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry. Growth of the overall global surfactant market has also been forecasted for the period 2018-2022, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.

The global surfactant industry is competitively fragmented. Many competitors have established worldwide reputation with the multinational customers while some supply their products to the local customers. The manufacturers of the surfactant market produce different type of surfactants, some manufacturers produce synthetic surfactants while other produce bio-based surfactants.

However, the competition in the global surfactant market is dominated by few surfactant manufacturers supplying surfactant worldwide. Further, key players of the surfactant market are AkzoNobel, BASF, Galaxy Surfactants Ltd. and Clariant are also profiled with their financial information and respective business strategies.

Country Coverage:

  • North America
  • Western Europe
  • Asia Pacific (excluding Japan)
  • MEA
  • Japan
  • ROW

Company Coverage:

  • AkzoNobel
  • BASF
  • Galaxy Surfactants Ltd.
  • Clariant

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Executive Summary:

Surfactant is Surface Active Agent, is a substance that enable two liquids to combine on a chemical level. Surfactants are widely used to reduce the surface tension of any liquid. The ability of surfactants to reduce interfacial tension increases its spreading and wetting properties. The two elements groups named as, hydrophilic groups (their heads) and hydrophobic groups (their tails) must present in every surfactant molecule. The most commonly used and known surfactant is detergent.

Surfactants are classified as anionic, cationic, zwitterionic/amphoteric and nonionic. Surfactants play a vital role in cleaning, wetting, emulsifying and dispersing. Surfactants also act as an anti-foaming agents in various applications. The end-users of surfactants are agrochemicals, detergents, emulsifiers, pharmaceuticals, FMCG products, Industrial & Institutional cleaning (I&I cleaning), industrial applications and lubricants.

Surfactants have a long history of with continuously evolving environment friendly surfactants and introducing bio-based surfactants. The surfactant market can be segmented on the basis of application, type, end-use and substrate types.

The global surfactant market has increased at a significant CAGR during the years 2015-2017 and projections are made that the market would rise in the next four years i.e. 2018-2022 tremendously. The surfactant market is expected to increase due to growth in personal care products, cosmetic products, rising GNI per capita, increasing middle class population, escalating retail e-commerce sales, etc. Yet the market faces some challenges such as volatility in raw material price, stringent regulation by government, transportation and custom issues, etc.

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Some Points from Table of Content: 

  1. Executive Summary
  1. Introduction

2.1 Surfactants: An Overview

2.1.1 Composition and Structure of Surfactants

2.1.2 Properties of Surfactants

2.1.3 Uses of Surfactants

2.1.4 Segmentation of Surfactant Market

  1. Global Market Analysis

3.1 Global Surfactant Market: An Analysis

3.1.1 Global Surfactant Market by Value

3.1.2 Global Surfactant Market by Region (North America, Asia Pacific, Western Europe, Japan, Africa-Middle East and Rest of the World)

3.1.3 Global Surfactant Market by End-users (Home Care and Personal Care)

3.1.4 Global Surfactant Market by Applications (Household Cleaning, Industrial Application, Personal Care, I&I Cleaning and Others)

3.2 Global Surfactant Market: Application Analysis

3.2.1 Global Household Cleaning Surfactant Market by Value

3.2.2 Global I&I Cleaning Surfactant Market by Value

3.2.3 Global Personal Care Surfactant Market by Value

3.2.4 Global Industrial Application Surfactant Market by Value

  1. Regional Market Analysis

4.1 North America Surfactant Market: An Analysis

4.1.1 North America Surfactant Market by Value

4.2 Western Europe Surfactant Market: An Analysis

4.2.1 Western Europe Surfactant Market by Value

4.3 Asia Pacific (excluding Japan) Surfactant Market: An Analysis

4.3.1 Asia Pacific (excluding Japan) Surfactant Market by Value

4.3.2 India Surfactant Market by Value

4.3.3 India Surfactant Market by Segment

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Some Points from List of Tables and List of Figures:

Figure 1: Composition and Structure of Surfactants

Figure 2: Properties of Surfactants

Figure 3: Uses of Surfactants

Figure 4: Segmentation of Surfactant Market by Applications

Figure 5: Segmentation of Surfactant Market by Type

Figure 6: Segmentation of Surfactant Market by End-use

Figure 7: Segmentation of Surfactant Market by Substrate Types

Figure 8: Global Surfactant Market by Value; 2015-2017 (US$ Billion)

Figure 9: Global Surfactant Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion)

Figure 10: Global Surfactant Market by Region; 2017 (Percentage, %)

Figure 11: Global Surfactant Market by End-users; 2017 (Percentage, %)

Figure 12: Global Surfactant Market by Applications; 2017 (Percentage, %)

Figure 13: Global Household Cleaning Surfactant Market by Value; 2015-2017 (US$ Billion)

Figure 14: Global Household Cleaning Surfactant Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion)


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