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Converting your e-commerce store into mobile commerce app

Lokesh R
Converting your e-commerce store into mobile commerce app

The mobile revolution has been taking businesses by storm and the e-commerce space is no exception to this. Though retailers might have a highly optimized ecommerce website with state-of-the-art features, not owning a mobile app will definitely leave you a step behind in the competitive race to win the extra mile.

What should retailers be focusing for building their m-commerce app?

The right platform:
This is the base of any m-commerce app. Retailers should have clarity about their expectations while opting for m-commerce solutions. There are multiple platforms in the market to create mobile commerce app with supporting many features.

Look and feel:
The first thing that attracts any individual is the appeal of the mobile app. The way it looks, its features, the colors and branding elements used in the mobile app, the navigation factor to name a few.

Integration with social media:
Yes, this factor could do wonders to your business. Your app should support integrating with social media platforms to share, like and spread the word about your business.

Performance and speed:
A lag in the working of your app could cost you a lot. A slow app agitates customers and hence be sure that you have a good performing mobile app at an exemplary speed.

Important Features Every m-Commerce App Needs to Have

1. Secure Payment Gateway
2. Product Image Quality
3. Product Reviews
4. Dedicated ‘Discounts’ Feature
5. Product Comparisons
6. Push Notifications
7. Product Search with QR Codes

This piece of information should be of immense help for retailers and strategists who are looking to build your own mobile commerce app. So take the leap and get going!

Lokesh R
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