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Is your call center ready for digital transformation?

Ambreen Sajjad
Is your call center ready for digital transformation?

Digital transformation is the most common topic for companies these days,  especially for call centers who are striving to deliver an exceptional customer experience in a cost-effective way. Therefore, a growing number of companies have now acknowledged the need to change the way they are doing business if they really need to get relevant to their customers. Most of these organizations are not even sure what they should really do, but now it’s appreciating that the traditional way of managing the business is becoming not much effective with every passing day, and even getting worse, as its too expensive.

But the more advanced term “digital transformation” usually takes into account the need to use some latest digital channels such as email, chat, co-browse, text messaging, social media or video- this is just a small piece of what people are referring to. Most of the call centers are trying to apply this for their businesses in order to provide the flawless user experience.

For organizations who want to succeed and thrive in their digital economy- which is definitely a good way of saying “in the future”- they should take a critical look at their business activities, especially those companies that involve thousands of customers. For instance, it’s not just the matter of taking too many days or weeks to approve the claim or application of your customer, but it also reduces the processing time & cost.

Omni Channel practices in the call center:

Call centers are ahead of the competition when it comes to digital transformation. Call center business is talking about different Omnichannel environments for over 4 years (and even multi-channel environments for last 10 years). Some of the best practices have started to emerge and helping call centers to implement some necessary changes in operations and technology to position and support them in an increasingly digital world. The significant element of such kind of challenge is to view the experiences from the perspective of clients and prospects, and something that companies have failed to do for previous generations. In order to do it more efficiently, it’s recommended to opt for advanced call center solutions so that they can provide a more user-friendly experience for their potential customers.

Investment in advanced technology:

Another most important component of the digital transformation would be the major investments in significant technology infrastructure to automate business activities that required previously for agents and employees participation. For example, they can consider using Robotics which is also called the robotic process automation (RPA)). Other than that, using intelligent virtual agents (IVAs) is also the best application that can be increasingly used by the companies to improve customer satisfaction. By deploying these solutions companies can reduce the time to complete the task, lessen their error rates, and enhance the quality of their results. Moreover, they can decrease operating costs as well.

Call centers and their customers are considered as the earliest beneficiaries of our new generation of artificial-intelligence-enabled technology. But all these applications are now expected to find their way into other organization’s activities and can play a vital role in the digital transformation of every business.

In the previous year, the lot of noise has been observed about the lack of productivity improvements in the era of digital technology. Now the time has come when all the companies are required to address this issue. So with the best support and cooperation throughout the companies, the digital transformation could even lead the way to provide top customer journey while increasing staff productivity.


Ambreen Sajjad
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