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Long Term Care Market Segmentation | Dynamics and Share | Forecast To 2024

anjali varma
Long Term Care Market Segmentation | Dynamics and Share | Forecast To 2024

Long term care market is driven by factors such as increase in geriatric population, prevalence of chronic diseases, and rise in importance of long term care services.

In addition, extensive government support in developed countries and various programmes conducted by NGO’s are likely to stimulate the market growth in the forecast period. Change in lifestyle and increase in population are expected to stimulate the market in the forecast period.

However, functional issues and service limitations are some factors that may hinder the market growth during the forecast period. By service type, the long term care industry segmentation includes social work services, therapeutic services, skilled nursing or nursing services, hospice services, pharmacy or pharmacist services, and mental health or counselling services

anjali varma
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