McAfee is an antivirus which is available worldwide for devices like Computer, Laptop or Smartphones, and McAfee is one of the best 10 Antivirus according to all reviews in last 10 years.
McAfee Security is used to secure the devices from Trojans, Attacks, Malware or any other activities which may harm the devices or network.
McAfee requires the minimum requirements on the devices in order to work successfully which are mentioned on the manufacturer website.
Previously McAfee was available in form of CD which was available in the market and now it is available online as well as on retail store where at the retail store it is available in the form of McAfee Retail Card and these Retail Cards involves 25 digits alphanumeric characters key code which must be entered online at the website i.e, mcafee.com/activate for McAfee Activation as the Activation part is based online from now onwards.
There are a different type of McAfee Products and the links to Activate these products are mentioned as follows:-
McAfee Total Protection – mcafee.com/mtp/retailcard