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Mount Hermon School, Darjeeling - Admissions, Address, Fees | Sqoolz

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Mount Hermon School, Darjeeling - Admissions, Address, Fees | Sqoolz

Basic Information of Mount Hermon School

School Description

Mount Hermon School is a co-educational school in the town of Darjeeling, in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is located on North point Singmari. It follows the American education style, rather than the British style in vogue in the other schools of the area. It has ICSE (for grade 10) and ISC (for grade 12) board. It is the only school in Darjeeling hills where facilities for both boys and girls from standard KG to 12, day scholar and boarder are available

Address - North Point, Darjeeling, West Bengal

Contact Number- +91-354-2270245,+91--2270255

For more details, Visit our website - https://www.sqoolz.com/school/Mount-Hermon-School

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