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How to set up your Juno Email in Android device?

john miller
How to set up your Juno Email in Android device?

Juno may do not have a glamorous Web interface for browsing your email accounts, yet with POP3 access for all of you, you can deal with your email from any stage.

At first look, it might appear that the Android working interface just backings Gmail.

However covered up away in the application cabinet is a conventional email customer that can be arranged to get to any POP3 or IMAP email benefit, including Juno.

On the off chance that you as of now have an email account arranged, press the “Menu” catch and after that tap “Increasingly,” “New Account.”

Sort your Juno account email address and a secret key; at that point tap “Next.”

Set the POP server to “pop.juno.com,” change the server port to “995” and select “SSL” as the security compose.

john miller
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