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Here Is All You Want To Know About Top Android Phones

Joe Richard
Here Is All You Want To Know About Top Android Phones

Today, almost every other smart phone has android platform OS being the leading OS in the market which is both feature rich and fun to use. It is now found in every other carrier and almost all phone set manufacturers prefer to have it in their smart phone sets. It has given rise to a feverish competition for many companies to launch android smartphone apps for these phones as well. With such an intense advancement, it is difficult to keep up with every new android based phone. Hence to ease this difficulty Ankaka offers a series of smart phones based on android you would like to know about just like android powered tablet PCs, according to Lisa, PR manager of Ankaka.com.

One of the best android phone offered by HTC is EVO 3D also known as Sprint. It has enhanced 3D features to take your mobile experience to a new level. Its performance level is top notch. With an enhanced battery life, this HTC Sprint Smartphone could be a wise choice among other phones. Yet another favorite is the small android cell phone launched by HTC called as HTC Sensation 4G included in the T-Mobile series. The design is sleek and beautiful. Its performance leaves behind many smart phones in competition. For those who love T-mobiles, this is one super phone based on android to go for.

Motorola also offers a number of unique and excellent performance android based phones to the customers. One of the best is Motorola’s Driod Bionic. It is a high quality phone set which is lustrous, classic and strong in quality. It pleases not only the business users but also other customers. Although offered at a high price, you would find it worth the money if you want a high-end android phone in your hands. Another dual core android based phone offered by Motorola is Photon Sprint which is a 4G smart phone. It comes with Nvidia-Tegra dual processor. The level of security is really high as it offers enterprise-level security. For all the buyers who love Sprint phones, Motorola’s Photon can be a smart and high quality choice.

Samsung has also jumped on board to launch the fastest and the most stylish of android based phones to date. One such example is Galaxy S II by Samsung. It has extremely advanced features. It lets you enjoy life to the fullest with its enhanced android facilities. Included in the most advanced smart phones to the date, it has a dual core processor for advanced multi-tasking, streaming capabilities and gaming. The smart phone based on android has the sleekest designScience Articles, an extra smart grip and takes the android phone market to a brand new level.

The final verdict can be given in the words that the variety of android driven smart phones available in the market today are offering customers a wide variety of choice. But it is totally dependent upon what features you want? How much money do you want and spend? And whether you want a high-end android based phone or not? So far Samsung Galaxy SII and HTC sensation are considered to be the leaders of android market of cell phones.

Joe Richard
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