PHP READYMADE SCRIPT , to give you an idea of how our ASP.NET REDBUS Clone SCRIPT features would be.
Every business wish to be one or other way the same and if you want to start a site just as same as “”, then you have reached the right place.
Our Redbus Clone Script has all the relevant features and benefits that could result in bringing a hike to your business career.our Redbus clone App, You can completely transform your Ticketing Operations with a custom-build you need, Customer App and a powerful Admin panel to manage the business.
Check our detailed Redbus clone Script Proposal for more details .UNIQUE FEATURES :Super AdminAffiliations booking modulesWallet user modulesSeat sellerWhite labelMultiple API integrationsOwn bus inventory managementUnique Mark up, Commission and service charge for agent wise .SUPER ADMIN PANEL :Login credentialsTickets sold (day,month,year)Admin managementAdmin Access for each menus and features can control.Admin, employee and manager’s access and roles can be managed.Tickets sold (day,month,year)Ticket sale graphCity managementManage the city details (edit, status, delete, pagination)Route managementUser managementManage the users details (edit,delete,status)Passengers managementTicket details/Booker detailsSeat detailsBus type managementTicket booking managedTicket cancellationSeat managedPayment managedCommission managedRefund statusCancelling PolicyBus service detailsAdvantage of ticket bookingContact :Email : , info@doditsolutions.comMobile : +91 7339131505Landline : 0431-4000616Link :