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Online Tutor Management Script - Online Learning Management System

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Online Tutor Management Script - Online Learning Management System

In this advanced world, taking classes are no longer, students are moving towards traditional classrooms into a PC based online learning management system. Today the web-based learning platform is high demand in business marketing. So the business people or coaching institutes can begin their very own online learning website business by using our Academy Course Learning Management Script and acquire high income from the business. Our Online Tutor Management Script helps both the learners and tutor to bring education into the next level and it’s the best marketplace script for web-based learning.

In this Course Management Script, the mentor or tutor can make an unlimited number of online learning courses, videos, documentation to assist the learners to learn the same similar idea with the different way. The client needs to sign in with the valid username and password to enter the script. In the home page, they can see the course in the system. After the point by point seek, the learners can enlist these courses by some charges and get trained from anywhere and anytime. This script allows tutor or coaching institute to post an unlimited number of courses. Based on the number of course purchased by the learner’s tutor will get the price and the website administrator will get a specific amount for each course buy.

The main features of the Online Learning Management System are the attractive UI, powerful and easy to understand administrator dashboard, secure system, course management, category management, secure payment process, enrollment management, student and tutor management, advanced course search choice, user management, Mobile responsive, and some more. The script has created in the PHP and MySQL language with 100% security, without any programming knowledge the admin can easily handle the site.

As a very experienced website designing company, I-netsolution is providing the best technical support for 1-year and source code for 6-months.

For more Details:


(IND) – (+91) 9841300660

(USA) – (+1) 858 633-0515

(UK) – (+44) 203 290 5530

Visit:  http://www.i-netsolution.com/product/academy-course-based-learning-management-system/

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