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Microsoft Integrates Linkedin with Word to Help You Write A Killer Resume

James Enrique
Microsoft Integrates Linkedin with Word to Help You Write A Killer Resume

Microsoft, the tech giant has acquired LinkedIn last year for $26 billion.

It is now linking LinkedIn services with its Office suite applications to help you write a killer resume.

The new addition, Resume Assistant can be accessed by Office 365 Setup subscribers directly when they are building a resume in Word.

The company said that more than 80% resumes are created and updated in Word; bringing this assistant as a part of Word will definitely help the users who change roles and jobs quite faster than the past.

This new feature will bring in the examples from other people from your domain, which will help you curate a better description about yourself, your goals, work experience and more.

On the top of that, you will also be able to see the most prominent skills from LinkedIn to assist you know what terms or keywords to include in your resume in order to find the right job.

James Enrique
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