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To Be or Not to Be: Investing in EdTech Ventures

Dariya Lopukhina
To Be or Not to Be: Investing in EdTech Ventures

Today many companies try to facilitate the educational process through digital innovations. Let’s look at the reasons to invest in education technology startups and related challenges.

Chinese giants like Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent generously invest in the industry. For example, Yuanfudao received $ 1 billion from Tencent. It provides live courses and has 160 million registered users in three applications. Mark Zuckerberg’s investment fund invested $50 million in Byju’s learning app.

One famous venture capitalist said that it’s not so sad to invest in an unsuccessful startup, as not to give money to the next unicorn. If you are sure that very soon the world will experience the greatest educational revolution, and you are trying to bring us closer to this moment and make the coming changes positive, combine your effort with eLearning development company that will help make your great idea a successful startup.

Dariya Lopukhina
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