Tips for SEO positioning yourself on your Web page
Positioning in Internet search engines - known as SEO - is vital for a company to sell its idea on the Internet.
This is a matter of visibility of your business and you know what they say: " what is not shown does not sell ".
If you had not considered working on the positioning of your website in search engines, it is time for you to do
so. Otherwise you would be leaving all the way free to your competition while you yourself would not be
accomplishing anything.
Now, positioning a Web page is never as easy as one supposes, in fact, it is a constant activity and one that
requires a lot of dedication ; the results are progressive and I suppose that is what motivates us to keep working.
Of course, with the knowledge that we have to position our Web page and the desire to do so is not enough. It is
there when we begin to investigate what this is about the positioning of Web pages in Web search engine optimization - SEO .
To position our website we must take into account multiple factors , which, when well taken care of, will lead us
to be among the first in the results of search engines like Google, and that will make it easier to sell your
business idea , services and products.
Let's talk a bit about the bases of positioning and we will do it at a basic level, so that you, who take your
first steps in the world of SEO do not get overwhelmed with so much information; I already tell you that this is a
whole world within the Internet, more complex than any person could think initially and in constant change and
emergence of new trends .
Be genuine: originality is rewarded
I always like to talk about originality as the first point for the positioning of a Web page, because it is the
most difficult of all.
Many companies come to the Internet to make their business a copy of what already exists and that only leads to the
business being kept in the shadow of the person who inspired it.
But it's not just about being original to be able to give a different offer to our market, but because Google
punishes the duplicated content , in fact, it is one of the causes of the many penalties that this search engine
can give you.
You must consider that all the content of your Web page must be written by yourself , to guarantee that you have
not copied anything from any other place, besides, the videos and the images must be original.
It does not cost you anything to do that, maybe a little time, but that guarantees you will be in good relations
with the search engines and your Web will position itself better and better. Of course, SEO is not just about
Study of keywords: search and positioning parameters
The creation of your Web page is one thing, and another very different is the positioning of it. You must
understand that the content is positioned according to the search parameters that, in this case, are known as
keywords or keywords.
The keywords are determined from the business niche in which your company is included, that's why one of the most
important tips to position a Web page is to know the search habits of your customers .
Remember this: all those who have businesses similar to yours will go for the most recurrent keywords in the list,
therefore those are the words that have more competition; You should ask yourself if you are going to enter that
competition, or you will focus on less popular keywords. The important thing is to define the strategy to
understand the size of the work to be done .
Important: do not reload the content of keywords, the search engines are not stupid. They know that you want to
appear first in the results and that is why they have penalized the excess of keywords to give more value to other
things such as the quality of the content and the reputation of your Web page.
Since we are talking about reputation, it is a good idea to create accounts on social networks to generate more
traffic to your web page and thus stand out from the others. Remember that the use of social networks in that sense
is very little and you can take advantage.
Configura Google Analytics
This is a free and essential tool for you to study the development of the positioning of your Web page .
With this tool you get important data that will help you adjust your strategies. For example, you can find
information on the behavior of users on your Web page.
It is likely that by doing a study of Google Analytics data you will be aware of new key words that you are not
using and that can help position your Web page.
Remember that the most popular search terms help you in positioning; include them in your content, in the
descriptions of the photos and in the titles of the videos.
Create and maintain a Blog
Undoubtedly, this is the advice of SEO that more companies take into account.
Not only because it helps them stay active in the eyes of the search engine, but also has a resource with which
they can inform and educate their customers .
But if you create a Blog, you must keep it active.
I do not tell you that you should upload content every day, but if with certain frequency, otherwise you will lose
your work.
Remember the use of keywords in the content you generate, but remember to write thinking about your customers and
not the search engine . Find a balance.
Internal links of your Web page
You need to cross-link the content of your Web page in a logical way.
This not only helps the search engine see more value in your content, but also serves as a navigation aid for the
If you have linked content, a user can start from one content to another, that means that you get the best possible
information and stay longer on your page, which is also beneficial.
Optimize the images
Remember that content is not just the text, but also the images.
The optimization of the images goes from the size that they have so that they load more quickly, until the
description of the same one.
If you optimize the images you can have a better chance that your site is positioned .
Remember that one of the search sections of the engines are the images and from an image you can reach the main
Know who links your web page
The links from your page and your page are very important because that gives you relevance to the search engines ,
but you must do an exhaustive analysis of them.
Above all you should worry about who links you, because not all incoming links are good. For example, if you link a
page of great relevance to Google, it is a very good thing. But if you link a page that has no relevance, it has no
Now, beyond the benefit of being a relevant page or not, you must be aware of the content of that page; search
engines often see as suspicious that there are links between two pages that do not have to see each other.
Mobile and positioning
Nowadays you can not talk about Web positioning without mentioning mobile devices , in this case I will give you
these tips:
Create friendly Web pages with responsive Web design , that is, that can be navigated on all devices. Above all,
you should try to create pages that are fast at the time of loading; That is always positive for positioning.
Think of the user experience . If you do not try to make your website friendly for mobile devices, it is very
likely that whoever searches will have a bad experience when they can not access the content effectively. In
addition, search engines are penalizing pages that do not have a responsive design; omitting them from their lists
of results.
Remember that it's not just about the search engine . Since we are talking about user experience, your content
should be useful in one way or another.
The possibilities of marketing in mobile phones have skyrocketed in recent months .
Create and optimize your Google MyBusiness account and promote reviews
This will help you a lot to position your business.
When you create a Google MyBusiness account your business will appear in the first results - those where the Google
map appears - but for that you must complete the profile; hours of attention to the public, address and Web page
are essential.
If you notice, all the results of this section have some stars that correspond to the reviews or comments that
those who have visited that business have.
That is why you need to encourage comments , but above all, work to make these comments good. Remember that good
comments escape from SEO and enter into marketing areas.
Another positive aspect of creating the account and being located on the map is that, in mobile searches appear the
results of the businesses that are close to the person doing the search at that time. That allows your business to
position itself on a more local scale, which is very convenient when you have a physical store .
Considerations for hiring an SEO positioning expert
Maybe you are contemplating the option of hiring a company or professional, to be responsible for SEO positioning
of your Web page, because you do not have time to take care of it or because you just do not know very well what
the thing is about and you do not want to complicate it.
Now, you must understand that SEO professionals can help you with the strategy, but in the end it is your business
and only you know how you want to develop it.
Above all, keep in mind that it is useless to be in the first places if your business offer is not well developed
and is not attractive for your target market.
Remember that I have told you that the positioning of Web pages takes time, so doubt any SEO professional who
offers you miracles or short-term solutions.
A good SEO agency works with you and speaks clearly to you; It's a continuous process, but it's worth it.