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Virtual Reality Predictions for Real Estate in 2019

Juego Studios
Virtual Reality Predictions for Real Estate in 2019

This workflow has remained the same for quite a few years, but in fact, it’s inconvenient and tedious not only for realtors but for the potential buyers as well.However, Virtual Reality has turned out to be a game changer and it’s slowly changing the way the Real Estate sector works.

The power of VR technology is already helping real estate companies grow their business, get more clients, and deliver top-level services.

Likewise, it is benefiting the customers in terms of time-saving, global search and more.

According to the survey, around 72% of the real estate companies agreed that staging has helped them to generate more leads.

This can be problematic for businesses that offer short-term vacation rentals.

You must have seen or come across three-dimensional models that show a new property or neighborhood.

Juego Studios
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